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Something wrong with me or I thinking too much
Why black kingth commander kill prince and princess it looks like he has some issues with royal family and he was king mistake child or something (he want his rights full place as king child) or he supports one of prince become king
And I think he use fl for his crimes so no one suspected him and also I think he kill fl because he can blame her and her doing something like that
I want t know truth about black kingth commander
Pls someone spoiler me

The ML trauma doesn’t justify him treating the past FL or current FL and his daughter like thrash. I absolutely hate seeing women get blamed for situations like this if they know it takes both a man and a women to make a child why are they only questioning her!! If they know he ignored her last year WHY DONT THEY GO TALK TO HIM. She was clearly trying to dance with him and he ignored her so how is that her fault that they don’t have a child!!! Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

Dream says:

Yeah I can’t find it in myself to hate Jeanette the way everyone else does- girl is being used by almost everyone when all she wants is a family. She doesn’t even know what the heck is actually going on.

Dream says:
Dream created a topic of Black Mirror

What the fuck happened I m shock


Emperor and Paulina have baby boy (first boy) by drinking mistake because she hide her pregnancy and runway but after giving birth emperor find out and he confess his love to her but drama going on