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somnia's feed

So, I'm gonna call it now and say that this mess is not even gonna be really resolved bc the Duke will intercept the whole spiel and wisk MC away, saying smth like how he belongs to him or whatever. I hate that, would be so disappointing, but I can smell it coming. He's supposed to be one of the main guys, so there's no way he'll be the only one left out of this drama.

Anyway, gonna complain again. This bland toxic stereotype of a black-haired duke no one asked for, feels so irrelevant to the story. The vibes are just off with him. All he does is force himself on MC. I feel you can't even call it hot or play it up as sexual tension bc he's being that pushy with it, he raped him ffs.
MC clearly refusing that kinda relationship 24/7 doesn't help either. If MC is gonna be "persued" like that then at least make him a lil more okay with it, homie is in denial 24/7; but mf you can't run from the yaoi tag.
He's supposed to be this wanna-be sexy man edge lord but just comes off like a wealthy basement dweller to me. Like, go touch grass and learn how people socialize you fucking weirdo. He stinky fr.