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CMYep answered question about your opinions
Off the top of my head? Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) Mushoku Tensei Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai Orange Kaichou wa Maid sama I also really disliked Full Volume lol
CMYep answered question about question
The Haar by David Sodergren
CMYep answered question about question
Oh, man, I don't really read that much shoujo anymore lol Only ones I can think of that are shoujo, romance and in a school setting are: - I'd actually recommend most of the author's work, most if not all of her protagonists are a ton of fun. This one has a few jokes that don't land, but oh well. -......
CMYep answered question about listen to music
Vivaldi can fuck right off
CMYep created a topic of High Clear

I won't stop liking you?
Shaking, crying, throwing up

CMYep created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen


CMYep answered question about question
Off the top of my head movie recs: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar But I'm a Cheerleader The Way he Looks (Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho) The Half of It Bottoms (To me they are feel good movies :)) )
CMYep answered question about question
83? I'm also ace and sex averse so, yeah
CMYep created a topic of Heart no Kagi o Te ni Irero!

I didn't know 10 Rankai had another pen name lol Neat!

CMYep answered question about question
I think Onborobachi? It's been 84 years since the last update Also YoI but we don't talk about it in this house because grandma (me) gets emotional (murderous)
CMYep answered question about being black sheep of mggo
Hey, dude, maybe stop making these types of posts and just read manga? Maybe just type your thoughts in a word document or a keep a diary or something??? Sorry for being rude but it makes you look... unstable. Nothing good will come out from acting like this on mangago of all places.
CMYep asked a question

Since there have been so few updates lately, can anyone please recommend some good horror and/or psychological manga? I don't read much manhwa of manhua but I'm ok with them too.
If you happen to know something similar to Fuan no Tane, that would be great, but I'll read pretty much anything as log as it's entertaining
Thank youヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Cómo que se apellida mamada no puede ser

CMYep answered question about join a fandom
I say unhinged shit because it's funny to me, so I assume everyone's the same??? I hope it's all a joke lol
CMYep created a topic of Jinx

I mean, what was Dan expecting? I do feel sorry for him, but his behavior is just beyond stupid. That mf horseface has done nothing but treat him like crap, why would it be different this time around?

What's with the weird amount of mid 2000s yaoi plots we've been getting lately? Hello????

CMYep created a topic of Shobo Shisan to BLkissa

What in the 2005 yaoi bullshit is even this manga lmao

CMYep answered question about question
A Youtuber will be exposed as a groomer (once again)
CMYep created a topic of Jinx

I blame the grandma for everything bad that has ever happened to Dan so far. She raised him to be like that. (I'm joking but she did raise a stupid one)

I hope Jaekyung's shoulder snaps and he ends up not being able to fight ever again and then he does the NewMoonBella from a building ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶