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sosa created a topic of Walk on Water

bruh I thought they were kinda exaggerating with how big the loan was of the leg surgery until I searched it up?? That shit can cost yall up to 30k ?? Idk how some of yall living in the west bcz that’s crazy

sosa followed a list
sosa created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

I like me a bl w height difference

sosa created a topic of Form of Broken Love

y’all before i read it does ml rape mc ? is it a love triangle? And any big ahh red flags??

sosa shared experience about crying
y’all actually wtf all of ts bcz i said r u dumb bruh
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shounen-ai ver.

- High 
(Rating:  3.5- 5)
May include heavy words and acts

- Mild 
(Rating: >2-3.4) 
May Include heavy words and threats but did not commit them 

- Low
May Include claiming words (you're mine) and jealousy
(Rating 1-2) 

Spicy level(how intense the seg scene is) 

Highly recommend

02 04,2024
sosa followed a list
sosa created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

do yall think Jae-won whimpers? i mean w the whole begging he does i would lie if i say he doesn’t whimper and Id love to hear

sosa created a topic of Black Mirror

im actually mad at myself bcz i didn’t read ts sooner. the plot awesome, its really refreshing to read a bl that actually has a plot. the angst was real i was curious the whole time about the black room, had to hold myself back not to spoil myself. Also the tension was gooodddd lord. Although it got rushed at the end, I couldn’t think of a much better ending!! Overall a 10/10
And now enough w ts crap and give us side stories

sosa answered question about question
the umbrella thingy im sorry but I think its so cute especially when they’re enemies too, like why do u wanna share ur umbrella w ur enemy stawwwwp
sosa recommended a list

Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

sosa followed a list

Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

02 04,2024
sosa created a topic of Shame♡Application

unpopular opinion, pls dont come for my ass!!
I like the story actually but I thought it was goofy ngl. How is mc pushing 30 and miss understanding so much, and not taking any hints as well? a walking ick, dare I say. And also I thought the moment they get together their relationship wont just involve sex anymore but they were still just doing it, I was actually hoping to see em go on dates or just spend time 2gether or some sort of shit, like yk emotional development but sex is way better ig

sosa created a topic of Waterside Night

Today I chose not to be a hater so im gon stfu