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sosa created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

man its so hard reading Shounen Ai bcz u just wanna see them kiss but even that they cant show properly

sosa asked a question

any enemies to lovers bl recs? lists are also fine

sosa created a topic of Waterside Night

mannn he is down baddd using his fk feet kinky fuckk

sosa followed a list
27 03,2024
sosa followed a list
27 03,2024
sosa created a topic of Roses and Champagne

man Im so mad this story got ruined by rape again, it had an interesting plot too but then that lil nga decided to rape him for a week straight and Im really not trying to victim blame but why tf did he forgive him?? But ig it was realistic at the end of the day since he was in the mafia or some sort of shit

sosa followed a goer
25 03,2024
sosa created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

this might be an unpopular opinion, but whatever i dont care. Currently on szn 1. Does anybody else think that Mae-hwa is fucking annoying?? Im sorry but if I had somebody in my friend group who doesn’t laugh nor smile and always tells the whole group at any given opportunity that he doesn’t think of them as friend, the way I would’ve dropped this friend so quickly is crazy. He doesn’t interact with people, people need to interact with him even though they’re friends?? Also the way he is a lil bitch, I get his character has to be like that but he is so unlikeable its actually driving me crazy. And if you wanna avoid people, just stop being friends with them wtf, i actually would’ve punched him long ago but that’s js me. Hoping the second couple is better

sosa created a topic of Waterside Night

author been feeding us lately

sosa created a topic of Jinx

did it take dan too much to explain the meeting w that other mf and tell him the truth or is he gon cry like a puss at any given opportunity?

sosa created a topic of Jinx

to start crying ab that is crazyyy man tf up lil bro