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what tf how old is joshua ?? for him to be her senior and make a move on her while being 15 and knowing each other since 13 very weird

ahhh i’m getting nervous i don’t want the shadow to become the real emperor in the future i want kansei to go back to normal PLSSS


bruh i thought it had more chapters ANYWAY I HAVE NO IDEA WHATS GOIN ON BUT THIS SEEMS INTRESTINGGG the prime minister is so crafty i love it lol

pls im begging nothing goes wrong plsss cirrus and skylar keep making me anxious pls nothing go wrong I CANT TAKE MUCH MOREi love y’all stay tgth pls PLEASE

ummm that scaly ugly thing is alive oml

ACK I THOUGHT THERE WAS 25 CH INSTEAD OF 24 SO I GOT EXCITED FIR ANOTHER ONE WAAAi can’t take it they’re so cute i love how much more sei is becoming aware of his feelings i hope there’s more development between them two soon !!! i need more chapters this manga is so good

The long-awaited "Isekai BL" comic is here!When the efficiency freak corporate slave conti...

  • Author: Hachigatsu hachi,Kazuki tsubasa,Yatsuki wakatsu
  • Genres: Fantasy / Supernatural / Shounen Ai

idc i support both taa kun and kiku to be w hina either way i love them both lol

DAMNNN they’re crazy but crazy tgth<333 god this manhwa put me THROUGH ITTT every chapter it was smth new w them istgbut they made it i hope they get therapy tgth they can’t stay like this forever

I WANT HOT MEN IN MY LIFE created a topic of Eleceed

what a rat going after kids i hope he died

wow i finished this is 2 days it was so good idk why i’ve been putting reading this off for years like it was so funny great characters cute (i’m going to ignore wtv tf was the side stories) deffo one of my favs

oh wow binged it all in a night and damn it’s sad knowing i’ll never have a love like this

:(( so sad omg i wish he got his happy ending but clearly not