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abistarcrafter followed a list


Hybrid - half human, half animal
Beast - twice or thrice the human size
Monster - fantasy, myth (vamp, demon, god, zombie, etc.)

Note: some are Supernatural/Scifi - robot, alien, use of magic, etc.

!! Hybrid/Beast/Monster (2) !!
!! Omegaverse !!
!! Hybrid/Beast/Monster Shounen Ai !!

21 07,2022

the fact that he was willing to give up an arm to keep her safe, is so sweet of him ahhhhhh!!. Oh, and the fact that she used alchemy to help him despite the risk of getting caught and being in trouble for using it against imperial family members is so nice. THEY"RE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!

abistarcrafter created a topic of THE VIRGIN WITCH

Y'all, how do you admire her?? Like, this woman sits there shaming others for being perverted, but doesn't think how weird her own fantasies and reactions are? LIKE-???? BRUH, not everybody is into vanilla sex. NOTHING is wrong with being a masochist. She idolizes a dude, doesn't think about the fact that he might be different from what he is required to show in order to continue his line of work, and then sits there acting like her life is ending. He had no reason to go out and tell the world that he worked as a host/prostitute. Like she's the one who sat there putting a dildo on a body pillow of someone she didn't know(which is messed up on so many levels). Don't even get me started on Marina. This manhwa is fine if you feel horny or something, but most of the characters are extremely revolting.

abistarcrafter like the answer
Look, its disrespectful for you to say 'monarchy is the worst' when there are some people in here who has countries that has monarchy and really respected them. (This is just a light warning. So think about it (=・ω・=)) Next, the plot is from which manga/hua/hwa? I want to see what the hell are you so upset about. Look, if you don't like it......

I felt bad for the maid right up until the moment where she said 'I'm so glad it's not me dying, but that 2nd crown prince that no one gives a crap about.' MA'AM?? THE FUCK? DOES THIS GIRL ACTUALLY THINK SHE'S WORTH MORE OR SOMETHING? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

about her dad,
the past king took a woman away from her lover in another kingdom(a marquis) and forced her to marry him. The woman was already pregnant with the marquis's child so that's how aria's dad was born. Aria's father used to sneak away to see arias's mom at the brothel. One day it was found out that the dad was not the kind's child but her past lover's. Because of this, they were exiled. Aria's grandma and father were forced into leaving the country and they ended up going to the marquis of the other country who welcomed them. They have been living there since. The father loved her mom a lot but he couldn't really go to see her for some reason, I can't exactly remember why.

about the plot,
isis(or was it iris? I'm sorry I can't remember ( ̄∇ ̄")) sided with a foreign country (the one that the marquis is from) and they start a war against the country that aria is in. Isis ends up losing and is killed but since oscar wanted to protect aria and leaked some info to asher and rain(?), he wasn't sentenced to death. I think his title and land were stripped and that he became a commoner. Also, mielle tried pushing the count off the stairs and blamed aria. But asher came to her defense and aria was safe from the accusation. Afterward, she tried poisoning aria but her brother(Cain) drank it instead, so HE died. In the end, Mielle was killed by the guillotine publically and a bunch of commoners came to watch. Aria revealed that she time-traveled to mielle right before her death, so mielle was furious and kept shouting rude things at aria who was acting grief-stricken for the sake of gaining pity. The commoners loved aria who was not only their crown princess but also someone who advocated for their rights and education. Mielle died garnering even more hate then aria had in the previous lifetime.

Ngl the dress looks like a maid dress

We all know that her pheromones are too strong so he cant wake up, and we still comment the wake up bs.

abistarcrafter answered question about question
I am someone who is attracted to both females and men. I tend to be attracted to 'masculine' women who have muscles and are considered tomboyish/rough, whereas I like soft and quiet men. Somewhat feminine per say? Like no muscles at all; I was confused why I was like that, but I realized that it wasn't a problem since I knew that my feelings were g......

my heart couldn't take it at chapter 68 page 56. He looked so freaking pretty that it literally did that badump thing you always see in mangas( ̄∇ ̄")

It's been this long y'all, if you didn't realize it was 'incest' based, that says something about your observation skills. The comments have been filled with complaints for MONTHS. It ruins the experience when the entire comment section is just complaining about the main basis of the story. I understand if it makes you uncomfortable, but sitting here and writing paragraphs complaining about the story, is so annoying for everyone that just wants to have a fun conversation about the characters. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Shit I know I'm gonna get attacked for this, but I kind of hate all the characters? Like, the ml doesn't listen to a basic request and doesn't have much trust. The fl doesn't think things through very much. Florre is unbearably stupid. The knight and emperor are half cruel and half entitled. Everyone in this manga seemed so half-assed. The concept was so cool and creative but the execution is a bit off? I don't know. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

He had great character development, and I get that a lot of his actions were drug-influenced in the past, but I just can't understand how she could forgive him. Like, I don't want her to hate him since he obviously became a much better person, but how she could be with him again, is beyond my emotional comprehension. My EQ simply isn't great enough to follow her emotional process. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. I don't hate or even dislike Ruve tbh(I loved him as a character, but he felt like such a bad pair with her), but I do feel like there were so many possible outlets that were left unadventured. Many characters never got the ending they deserved, and although a story should revolve around the main characters, the side characters are still living their lives. I wish we could have truly learned how carsein and allendis were. I wasn't a fan of allendis(I usually love yandere/obsessive characters, but he just wasn't a hit with me), but I respected that he had his own baggage, and feel like there should be a woman, man, or animal that helps him in the way tia had, but in a way that the feelings mutual. Carsien was genuine the entire time and always treated her with respect(excluding the childish behavior from when he was a child). I truly feel like carsein deserved much better than tia, but since he loved her, I felt myself kind of hoping they would end up together. When I first was reading this story I was team Ruve all the way, but when I reread this recently after the end, I felt kind of like the characters were all there just to make the main characters seem better. Like, they were just stepping stones that got to stick around a long time or get thrown away. Anyway, this is just my opinion so please don't get to upset with me( ̄∇ ̄"). Feel free to argue any of the points I made, I'll definitely reply!

The raws are still at 42, I don't think we're getting a new chapter for at least a few more days

This is so random, but DOES ANYONE ELSE, FEEL LIKE HIS BUTT WAS WEIRDLY SMALL IN YHE LAST CHAPTER ON PAGE 13??? that shit looked more like 2 rectangles??

abistarcrafter created a topic of Untouchable Lady

Y’all, i think they are simply brothers. Im pretty sure that they only call each other father and son, so that others don’t know that the head is infertile