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tate May 1, 2018 4:20 am

I'm not going to drop this because I was so into the story for a while to take that type of decision, but I'm pretty sure that I'll take a break... chapter 66 was too heartbreaking.

    uwu May 1, 2018 6:21 am

    sorry, i accidentally pressed the dislike button TTTT

    Anonymous May 2, 2018 12:31 am

    I'm really dropping this if he doesn't pick Junseo ( ̄へ ̄)

tate April 9, 2018 7:15 pm

funny, i noticed other missed pages, to be honest it's getting annoying ( ̄∇ ̄")
between page 2&3 are more pages, so i'll translate them, again, here's the pages:미숙한_표현_40화.html

jaewon: ?
ah, glasses!
it's the first time i see you with them.
junseo: that's because normally i use contact lenses
what are you looking at.
jaewon: you look like a professor.
junseo: a professor? does they make me look old?
jaewon: i didn't say it like that. it suits you!

and... that's it, i'll drink some coffee.

    shirocat April 9, 2018 7:22 pm

    so you're translator of these scanlations? oh, now when i checked provided by you raws, the best part is not uploaded ;_;

    tate April 9, 2018 7:45 pm
    so you're translator of these scanlations? oh, now when i checked provided by you raws, the best part is not uploaded ;_; shirocat

    nope, i'm not
    i'm just an outsider who likes this manhwa a lot.
    but i wonder why the scalator missed so many pages.

    shirocat April 9, 2018 9:35 pm
    nope, i'm noti'm just an outsider who likes this manhwa a lot. but i wonder why the scalator missed so many pages. tate

    thanks for info and short translation then i would miss such a cute scene if you wouldnt tell me

    shirocat April 9, 2018 9:36 pm
    thanks for info and short translation then i would miss such a cute scene if you wouldnt tell me shirocat

    haven't told me*

tate April 9, 2018 6:50 pm

i'll leave the translation of the missed pages.
you can read the chapter for free here:미숙한_표현_40화.html

jaewon: is something wrong if a take a nap?
junseo: did you come here to sleep? get up
jaewon: ah, it has your smell.
junseo: what... is this...
hey get up!
jaewon: ah, why?
junseo: stop doing weird stuff and get up!
jaewon: what are you saying? am i doing weird stuff?
can i not lay down for a while?
junseo: !


[seriously it drives me crazy]
[if we're this close]
[it's hard to hide it]
jaewon: hiccup
junseo: i can't believe he has hiccups just now, that idiot (?)
jaewon: *hiccup*
what happened just now?
junseo: that happened because you pushed me
jaewon: ahahahaha! why is your face red? *hiccup*
junseo: your face is too red, idiot!
jaewon: why is the mood... so strange? *hiccup*
junseo: it became like that because you're saying these type of things
let's go to study
jaewon: i'll study here *hiccup*
junseo: use the desk
jaewon: here's okay *hiccup*
junseo: do you want something to eat or drink?
jaewon: yes, drink

now you can read the chapters normally!

    Miyuki7 April 9, 2018 6:29 pm

    Thnx a lot!!!!(⌒▽⌒)

    mochi April 9, 2018 6:33 pm

    tate sama !!!!

    Schriso April 9, 2018 6:43 pm

    thank you so much!
    I was wondering what they were saying
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Fujochibi April 9, 2018 8:24 pm

    Yay thanks it took me 15 minutes to read it since I had to translate every sentence with google translate but it was worth it( ̄∇ ̄")

    Lucy In The Sky April 10, 2018 6:14 am

    You just made my day ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Tomocchi April 10, 2018 10:55 am

    Thanks! Ohmy ohmy I'm so sad ;__; I love Junseo but I don't ship them...

tate April 9, 2018 6:02 am

there's some missed pages again, important ones, mmm... it's 4am here so i'll translate the missed pages tomorrow!

    bimblefrog April 9, 2018 6:08 am

    so true! it's missing REALLY important panels that I think many readers would be super happy about (and I assume very sad to have missed). check out the raws people!

    bimblefrog April 9, 2018 6:11 am

    and if you're the uploader, thank you for sharing your translations! It's always nice to know what the characters are saying <3

    tate April 9, 2018 6:16 am
    and if you're the uploader, thank you for sharing your translations! It's always nice to know what the characters are saying <3 bimblefrog

    you're so sweet, thanks <3 but sadly i'm not the one who translates this manhwa, i'm just a fan. it's disappointing because there's so many people here who loves junseo and this chapter is full of him lol. i have classes tomorrow so i'll leave in this comments section the translation of the missed pages.

    Miyuki7 April 9, 2018 3:57 pm

    Omg you'd really do that?! Thank you so much!!!!

tate April 4, 2018 2:27 am

hey guys it seems that there's some missed pages in chapter 39, just the first ones before the title. i'll translate them
you can see them here for free:미숙한_표현_39화.html

[there's a problem]
jaewon: and...
[i'm cheering for you]
jaewon: it was so cute.
[for you...]
jaewon: and then...
han karam...
junseo: besides that you don't have anything else to talk about?
jaewon: ...?
junseo: that...
i mean his dog. his barking dog.
[they have a conversation about han karam's puppy]
jaewon: ah... don't you like puppies?
junseo: i'm allergic to their fur
i'm going now.
[but you like someone else]
jaewon: ...
[and i sincerely can't cheer for you]
yoonsung: you have to win his love!
junseo: "win?" what's that...
[how can i do that?]
junseo: in my own way...

    GodHatesTobi April 4, 2018 2:59 am

    You are the most blessed person on this website.

    mochi April 4, 2018 4:46 am

    bless you

tate December 9, 2017 1:39 am

im being annoying but i translated an extra chapter (24.5?) of this sweet webtoon if someone is interested, didn't see it and/or doesn't mind my shitty korean

    Sakura December 9, 2017 3:40 am

    Can you please give me the link for chap 24.5? Pleaseee . Cant find it

tate December 8, 2017 7:50 am

hey guys~ the translator didn't translate this extra chapter: so here i am with my basic korean and some help from google translator, i'll try to make it the most clear as possible, but it's not pretty accurate.

this's a shitty translation i'm so sorry.
(the (?) means that i dont know/not sure what it says)

in a castle, guarding by a terrible dragon,
there was a prince
the prince lee jae won

jaewon: why am i the prince?

caption: however!

jaewon: ah~ i want to get out of this castle soon!

raccoon: prince~! three knights are coming to this castle to rescue you!
jaewon: *thinking* a raccoon?

raccoon: these are the three of them!

caption: first knight
karam: prince! i'm going to rescue you!

junseo: i'm just forcing myself (stop being tsundere junseo yah)
caption: second knight

jaehee: wow~ it's gonna be fun! let's go~
caption: third knight

jaewon: (?) (i think he's like "ah?")
i'll take the first knight, i like him!
raccoon: you can't choose whoever you want! (?)

jaewon: first one, fighting!

caption: in the meantime, the first knight...
karam: *thinking* i have to go fast

cat: meow~
karam: there's a kitten up there..

karam: now it's okay. how did you get it up there?
cat: meow~

little girl: i've lost my mother~! waaah~!! (that's supposed to be a sob, lol)

caption: meanwhile the third knight

jaehee: hurrah! i'm going to catch you dragon~ (?)

?: there's a s.t.r.o.n.g monster in the west mountains!

jaehee: my goal has changed! first i'm going to the west mountains and later catch that dragon! (i don't understand that little comment)

caption: therefore...

jaewon: someone's coming!

junseo: i came... rescue you

jaewon: you're not the number one... this sucks
junseo: that's not something you should say to the person who came to rescue you!!

junseo: so you're stuck here forever!
jaewon: ah, let's go together! (?)

granny: aigoo... thank you
?: please help me!
?: here too!

karam *thinking* prince! please wait a little!

i'm definitely going to save you!!


lol you're late karam ah~ lol, i hope it does make sense.

    mochi December 8, 2017 7:35 am

    OH MY GOD THANKS FOR THIS it makes so much sense, don't worry! intention is what counts... have a nice day fellow army!

    Sam December 8, 2017 7:41 am

    Thank you very much!! And.... I knew it for a while but didn't want to admit it.... Here dies my Jae Won x Ka Ram ship ╥﹏╥ Junseo you win (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    tate December 8, 2017 7:53 am
    OH MY GOD THANKS FOR THIS it makes so much sense, don't worry! intention is what counts... have a nice day fellow army! mochi

    you're welcome fellow army lol and thanks for your kind words

    tate December 8, 2017 7:55 am
    Thank you very much!! And.... I knew it for a while but didn't want to admit it.... Here dies my Jae Won x Ka Ram ship ╥﹏╥ Junseo you win (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Sam

    i understand u, i shipped karam and jaewon too, but junseo's so sweet and loveable, he needs so much love and so many kisses ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    Sam December 8, 2017 8:13 am
    i understand u, i shipped karam and jaewon too, but junseo's so sweet and loveable, he needs so much love and so many kisses ㅠㅠㅠㅠ tate

    Yeah but not from Jae Won!! ╥﹏╥ How about redhead or orangehead?? Nah, Even I think its not great idea :(

    aeriesky21 December 8, 2017 10:06 am

    Omg thank you so much!!! IF THATS NOT TOTALLY FORESHADOWING THOUGH...!!! That's a big hint for what will come, I feel like. Junseo

    tate December 9, 2017 1:33 am
    Yeah but not from Jae Won!! ╥﹏╥ How about redhead or orangehead?? Nah, Even I think its not great idea :( Sam

    well, lol, let's just wait, everything is possible

    tate December 9, 2017 1:34 am
    Omg thank you so much!!! IF THATS NOT TOTALLY FORESHADOWING THOUGH...!!! That's a big hint for what will come, I feel like. Junseo aeriesky21

    you're welcome sweetie
    i'm not saying anything... hehe


    Sakura December 9, 2017 3:35 am
    you're welcome sweetie i'm not saying anything... hehe#teamjunseo tate

    Im sorry

    a bitch December 9, 2017 6:37 am
    Im sorry #teamkaram Sakura

    karamrejectedjaewonsdick #teamjunseo

    Sam December 9, 2017 7:29 am
    karamrejectedjaewonsdick #teamjunseo @a bitch

    Yup. But still I'm team karam! I'll just draw some fan art ╥﹏╥

    Yolkki December 9, 2017 8:06 am


    Sakura December 9, 2017 12:58 pm
    Yup. But still I'm team karam! I'll just draw some fan art ╥﹏╥ Sam

    Please make karam seme n please give me the link
    Pleaseee im begged you

    My teacher once tell us in the class that 'There is one way to become a God and that is become an writter' or something

    So you are my GOD (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Sam December 9, 2017 1:10 pm
    Please make karam seme n please give me the link Pleaseee im begged youMy teacher once tell us in the class that 'There is one way to become a God and that is become an writter' or something So you are my GOD (... Sakura

    Omg!! I'll just draw pictures my writing is no good. Actually I just imagine the story while drawing that's all! But I'll upload in my album and of course will notify you after drawing! :) sorry I'm no God either(≧∀≦)

    Sam December 10, 2017 9:19 pm
    Please make karam seme n please give me the link Pleaseee im begged youMy teacher once tell us in the class that 'There is one way to become a God and that is become an writter' or something So you are my GOD (... Sakura

    Even if its bad you're not allowed to say it cause I'm too delicate:

    lan December 11, 2017 1:26 pm
    Even if its bad you're not allowed to say it cause I'm too delicate: Sam

    oh! great. its not bad at all. and other pictures you drew are good too!!

    Jessie December 28, 2016 3:46 pm


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