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CuriousGumWad's feed

CuriousGumWad created a topic of Never Understand

The story does too much and feels like it should prioritize it's main cover characters over side characters because everything with the side characters is kinda crappy.

Plus after reading "aitsu no daihonmei" (if you haven't read it at least try getting past Ch18 cause that's when it gets good there is bdsm mention and referenced but not shown plus more of a BL than a yaoi (2%)) I kinda wished they kept the silly tone a bit because when it tried to get serious it fumbling the bag between "complex" relationship and "one person is clearly in the wrong here".

Please read "aitsu no daihnonmei" it's the same ugly loser guy x hot popular guy but the hot popular guy likes him because he was his favourite person growing up because ugly guy was the only one nice to him when he was a fat ugly kid. Most of the side couples are still ass tho like there's a lot of hitting on other people despite being boyfriends. To me it's the better version of this dynamic because of how in love the "seme" is. to add to that the dynamic is "seme" teases, pranks and messes with "uke" while dating him and when that's not happening they're hanging out like friends because they've known each other for awhile and before you think "that's boring" the story puts this regular chill comfortable couple in between OHSHC levels of shenanigans and tomfoolery