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Redrum add 1 photos to Booty
Redrum add 1 photos to Cute
Redrum add 1 photos to Cute
Redrum add 1 photos to Cute
Redrum followed a list

Most of the stuff listed here is where there's 2 main male characters that is not in romantic relationship. 

What you can find in this list:
- bromance
- suggestive BL
- giving off shounen-ai vibe
- 2 male leads regardless its bromance or not 
- platonic love
- familial love
- overprotective friend or family members

Part II of this list:

 click "RECOMMEND" button below if you like my list, thanks 

Tags: bromance
25 08,2021
Redrum followed a list
Redrum add 1 photos to Fav
Redrum add 1 photos to Fav
Redrum add 1 photos to Cute
Redrum add 1 photos to Cute
Redrum followed a list