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this was actually so good. it’s one of the ones where when u read it it feels like almost cleansing to finish like idk how to explain it but if ykyk

this was so fucking funny for no reason

gojosblindfold created a topic of Full volume

so cute. wow we really went through the whole thing guys

gojosblindfold created a topic of Predator Marriage

i’m so mad w her “family” like what the actual fuck bro

OML i was wriggling my toes this whole chapter. i love this so much. this has a special place in my heart

gojosblindfold created a topic of Profundis

I feel so bad for him bro

gojosblindfold created a topic of Age of arrogance

Wtaf I need them to resolve this bruh like the misunderstandings are not it. I think I have to drop this for a while
also does anyone have novel spoilers

gojosblindfold created a topic of Gig of the Day

that dick is deadly


bruh why did that suddenly feel like a waste of my time like wym they js fucked and ended this….

starting to think they’re both nonverbal since they don’t know how to communicate w each other

gojosblindfold created a topic of Age of arrogance

plszzz communicate i’m already pulling out my hair and we’re barely in the plot….

gojosblindfold created a topic of Full volume

so cute and dowon was drawn so beautifully in that panel

gojosblindfold created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i thought we already established this