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Cephalia created a topic of Silver Tree

This story is hurting so good but jesus, seeing her sisters body unresponsive scared me. Poor girl :(

Cephalia created a topic of My Dear Fishmen

NGL PISSED AS HELL FOR YANA LIKE??? Get these bums out of her life

Cephalia created a topic of Silver Tree

If Balta isn’t the ML i can’t do it, i will explode

Cephalia created a topic of In the Doghouse

I wish I could tell y’all the raws had the smut but we’re caught up U_U

Cephalia created a topic of The Lost Cinderella

While the story has a lot of plot holes, I find myself in love with characters surrounding themselves positively for Ciella. It’s heartbreaking because everything she feels and how desperate she was to even trust someone else (her older brother) to get her out is so real? I don’t know if it’s because Ciella’s story hits a little to close to home but I just want her and her people safe. I think it’s why I want to keep to this story

Cephalia created a topic of The Empress Lipstick

This ended like they didn’t want to work on the story no more that’s insane, no Nick resolution bro is literally going to be pinning for the rest of his life not even AWARE she was his friends fiancé. This just all ended so weirdly open ended , the story was mid at best but it was my mid…. I actually enjoyed it and wanted to see what was gonna happen because it looked like a lot of us had no clue how was this gonna end/who she was gonna end up. I GUESS WE DONT KNOW :/

Cephalia created a topic of In the Doghouse

More femdom pleasee!!’ The track this is going makes it seem completely consensual about a girl discovering she’s into it with her freaky soon to be husband and i’m DYING i love this AAA, the art is so good to like this artists draws them so scrumdiddlyumptious

Cephalia created a topic of Gokurakugai

He was legit so surprised he spoke a different language that’s so funny

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Cephalia created a topic of In the Doghouse

if anyone can find the novel for this please let me know or link it like I need to read this

What can I say, I don’t even blame her. She truly girl bossed her way to protect her son. I love her


Ok but I adore the art? Like whoever’s drawing this is doing so well i’m sitting here giggling at freida’s little depictions

I know she has no like real motherly attachment to Rodin but knowing your son or test subject will fail regardless of outcome and is DESTINED to fail is so fucking sad like…. BRO WAS JUST BORN FOR LONGING AND DESTRUCTION THIS AINT RIGHT

I know this is me being sick and twisted to myself but I REALLY love Rodin and Louise with Irena. I know she probably doesn’t end up with either but MAN../ She has two hands and who doesn’t love a cute bunny and doggy :(


I was honestly so worried this would go the incest route but seeing them go “ew no THATS GROSS” is such a fresh breath of air AAA

He’s like 100% probably not the ML which is whatever because i should’ve known based off the segment of her going “Someone to live the rest of my life peacefully with” and having black hair… But like if she ends up with Calix and he ends up becoming the successor her life will just be back to the imperial family and that just kinda sucks :/ I’m significantly more intrigued in the other plots based off of no romance than the romance atm! But hopefully i’m proven wrong

Bro thank you for the food the way this series is serving these characters like my GOD

I know we’re all kind of waiting for her and rupert to mend things and fall in love properly BUT. I can’t stand the idea of her being near Lehan or her family who lied to her for years, along with the high society which was aware. I really love her and Rupert togethwr as a slow burn type of love BUT a part of me wishes her small life would have worked out. :/

I’m just so happy to see them back man I LOVE these characters so much <3