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No because it is disgusting for him to say “Have i ever behaved around you like a brother?” She has called you nothing but her brother since fucking child hood, are you so mentally fucked in the head to BELIEVE. She’d just marry you?? I can’t even imagine to be viewed as a pawn, nothing more than treason. They never loved her, it was all part of their fucked up plan… She wouldn’t even have a say in who she marries, she was set up to be with a person she viewed as her brother. This is so sickening, i’m honestly so fucking sad, I wish she could’ve gotten a break but instead freak show over there appears out of nowhere..

I can’t believe we’re getting a true depiction of a royal because this is class 1 narcissistic. I hope he loses against his brother but i’m so confused because at the same time if she stayed with her friend in the country what would have happened AAA. This guy is such a piece of shit man I just want to see the other twos story lines I don’t want to see her get raped :/


Honestly I love the art style so much, this recent chapter honed that into me. The artist for this is so good, the way they portray emotions is so well done, and almost hauntingly beautiful for this chapter. I’m trying to focus on non angst stuff after this chapter but the art? chef kiss

Cephalia created a topic of Pure Love Operation

I’m so sad if this is ending soon, i’m glad things are going so well and i’m so excited for the confession even if i’m a dowha fan, I hope he finds his own happiness or he accepts it and him soo ae just become best friends and don’t lose touch cause they’re fr good friends T_T

Cephalia created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

God I wish I was him rn it’s not even FUNNY

Cephalia created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

I feel like Sia gets better and is realizing her issues and then we get the chaptwr right after with her not even telling he guy off and AAA. The writing is all over the place I love beom though :(

Cephalia created a topic of Pure villain

I’m gonna kill that old hag and that musty mf i’m so mad. There’s no fucking way gramps is gonna kill her knowing fully well she didn’t commit the major crimes and it’s so upsetting knowing she’s gone insane and the fact that the love of his life supposedly also didn’t do anything wrong?? I’m so excited to see what doryoung wil do because it’s the fact that he’s realizing there is no “justice” just corrupt mfs

Cephalia created a topic of Attic princess

It’s so upsetting to see the kings liege go “She’s not the cursed one?” after seeing her powers, For someone who saw through her act clearly had prejudice and I truly don’t blame her for not trusting anyone. I’m so sad Mary is gone man, the only people she can trust to an extent is the ML? Or whatever but he’s so ugh I love goody two shoes but I just want her to get her revenge i’m TIRED i want to see a tyrant this is so all over the place but at the same time I can’t stop reading T_T I just want her to get revenge against her kingdom man

Crown prince is so fucking weird like why are we casually brushing off her slept with women and then they hinted at him torturing them or killing them??? BRO?

Because I know this is cheesy and generic but imagine having to give your only daughter up to be married to a family far away, having no contact and assuming she’s abandoned you but in reality the nasty ass imperial family was intercepting like??? HAS ME CRYING, original MC probably thought her family HATED her, brushed her aside and probably called for help in her letters. I love to see her get justice but it’s never the same, i wish it was the OG MC time regressing T_T

Cephalia created a topic of Pure Love Operation

The lady next to eunhyuk’s dad kinda looks like an older version of soo ae? Am i the only one who saw that or am i over analyzing cause is that his mom?

Cephalia created a topic of Confidentiality

What are the comments for this series recently…. I come to reread it once in a while as it’s my favorite of the femdom series we have on here (which is rare becuase a lot are very predatory and rapey) Just to see a bunch of people blaming women i’m?? I feel like a lot of it was directed towards a a few one off chapters which I agree were non consensual and were very much not to my taste but??? Also to automatically jump saying “oh female authors” I got no clue if the author is female but with the name tim I doubt it.. I mean at the end of the day it’s a femdom manwha with very little non-con (minus towards the end with the ex which was gross) but compared to a lot of the other content femdom wise is of the better variety. Cough cough, sadistic beauty

I need her to appear dead, I truly hope they fake her death as if she killed herself. I need bellua to suffer, I need them to MOURN because this is absolutely fucking disgusting. I know we’ve all said it, but this is just so fucking sad man, I know a lot of “oh just get married, easy” and i do agree it’d make things easier. Sadly these characters are so welll written and it’s not easy for them, if she marries and admits her feelings for rupert she’s betraying her family and severing a very important tie that she went back in time for. Rupert has also shown signs of fearing he’ll become his father with lalilette along with knowing about the plan to commit treason and not telling her. One could say it was a way to protect her from being hurt but realistically, it was also most likely the knowledge that even if she knew, years earlier; she’d never choose him. We saw Rupert as broken as he was for so long and now we’re finally seeing her part, I really and truly hope she grows immensely from this because honestly. If she had died and rupert wasn’t there I don’t know if i could’ve continued reading and seen the aftermath

Cephalia created a topic of Pure Love Operation

Am I the only one who gets nervous with inner dialogue of such stuff like “A mark I won’t be able to erase for a long time” because I’m so used to works using that in future pretense which means something might happens and AAAA i just want to enjoy the happy moment T_T

Cephalia created a topic of 200 M Saki no Netsu

that’s my man, that’s our man, that’s my GUY

Cephalia created a topic of Attic princess

I’m blaming the emperor actually, i don’t care if i’m wrong this is his fault for moving her from a safe spot to a place with little fucking protection GOD

I simply think if Anita, the emperor, Regina and half of the cast went to therapy a lot of this would be solved

Just everything is so heartbreaking, from tori, lalliete, and rupert. The fact that it heavily hints that lali is possibly going to take her own life, or disappear or something is fucjing with me. I’d hate to see that happen but at the same time if you were in her shoes, finding out the reason for in both of your lives you were the problem, and also a pawn to regain purity of nobility? The fact that they were most likely going to send her to marry lehan makes me even more sick but now I understand why he never saw her that way, he was probably always promised to be with her. She was never his sister to him, that was his future wife, the fact that she wanted NOTHING but her family to be safe, the fact that they used the info she gave them to plan better I just…

I’m at a point in this story where I just want Lali, Rupert, and Tori to be happy, but I fear that this is something we may not get, and this may be a tragedy.

Cephalia created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

I think we as the collective should simply just get rid of punk ass pink haired lady :)

Cephalia created a topic of Pure villain