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lukewarn_piss's feed

lukewarn_piss created a topic of The couple breaker

honestly i hope the bob girl gets the bag. tbh glasses girl is the byproduct victim of her schemes so she's definitely a bad person, but at the same time bob girl is definitely going to dump/trash this dude once she's done with him for money. and he totally deserves it too: if he's going to actively cheat on his fiancé of TEN YEARS then bob girl better do her worst bc that's exactly what he deserves. nuri is basically bob girl's fuckbuddy so she's not actually cheating on him since they pre-established that they're not even in love or in a serious relationship, so tbh it's not like she's hurting him. poor glasses girl though. she definitely doesn't deserve to learn her boyfriend is an undeserving shit head through such a pretty humiliating and publicly invasive manner, even if he himself deserves to be hit with this realization through his own horrible actions.