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TheSuperBunny answered question about question
People seriously just used this thread as an excuse to be bigoted At least I know who to block and avoid interacting with in the future
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
not really accurate, too feminine
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Mentioning only anime (most of them have manga tho) Planetes- It's by the same creator of Vinland Saga and it also has an anime (it is kinda old tho), science fiction with philosophical elements and comedy. Kids on the slopeSakamichi no apollon- It's about jazz and it takes place in '66, amazing soundtrack including existing jazz songs and origi......
TheSuperBunny answered question about get to know you
Nothing, I know nothing I would do would help me fit in, so I've always done whatever I want and found people with similar interests instead.
TheSuperBunny asked question about make a picrew STFU [DELETED]

TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Switch to manga, they actually have quality control, better pacing, less mass produced trash, etc.
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
People writing the same questions every day
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
These two are in the first 3 results when you search Sarazanmai and sort by hitsthis one just has funny tags, "biologically accurate kappa sex". I remember reading it, t'wasn't bad.
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
I gave up on reading updates, even of it's something that I was really looking forward to I prob would just open it and forget about it or just straight up ignore it Like, fucking canis updated but I can't find myself reading any updates Literally the only updates I read are of my guildmate next door This whole updates burnout is making me bur......
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Bro discovering actual gay people in media Also, that's just homoeroticism
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Fantastic Frontier Literally doesn't even feel like roblox, I wish it was a non Roblox game fr At some point there were only 51~ active players at a time so it felt like a nice community where you know everyone
TheSuperBunny answered question about going to concerts
I ain't touching none of that shit
TheSuperBunny answered question about question