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TheSuperBunny answered question about question
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Respect culture (towards elders and strangers) Being atheists is an actual thing where you don't have ANY religion and don't practice any religious-cultural holidays (in mine you get born into the religion and it doesn't matter what you do you'll always be considered part of the religion) Respecting lines properly Hearing shooting sounds is cons......
TheSuperBunny created a topic of Mary Jane

I have no idea why I'm reading this

TheSuperBunny answered question about question
TheSuperBunny followed question about question

so it was a japanese yaoi manga (or dj idk) more likely black and white style but i dont remember anymore T T. what i remember about the plot: - they wear kimono, so it was a historical themed one - almost all the scenes were in a japanese old house - the uke lived in that house alone - idk anymore how much smutty scenes were in it but there was s......

29 03,2024
TheSuperBunny answered question about read manga
Japanese BL manga with the mc/ml being a trans guy. It must be "advertised" as BL and have that tag/genre on official sites and magazines. The trans guy can't have exaggerated female features. Coming out arc for both the gay cis guy and the gay trans guy Realistic comments from their surrounding; transphobia and homophobia. No smut for half the st......
TheSuperBunny answered question about listen to music
Anyone who says that they "listen to everything" doesn't know any music beyond 3-5 genres
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Told him I want to fuck him hard in the ass He replied "you don't have anything to do that with" (I'm trans so I don't have a penis) He's one of my best friends and I've known him for about 9 years I'm pretty sure he took it as a regular gay sexual joke in our friends group
TheSuperBunny answered question about eat food
(most of these are tragedies) Stigmata - Aikon Boy Meets Maria Tw pedophilia, csa New York New York Here and There and Us Tsuki t......
TheSuperBunny answered question about being single
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
I love it when they kill characters
TheSuperBunny answered question about being single
Don't forget introducing a new love rival every volume and/or jealousy-miscommunication arc Also, I feel like the term "tw/trigger warning" has lost all meaning How is your "yapping" gonna trigger anyone?? If anything you can supposedly put "tw mentions of pedophilia and incest" or whatever

Aaaaaa I need moreeeee
This is the only ongoing manhwa I'm looking forward to when there are updates!!!!

TheSuperBunny answered question about question
Invest it Where the fuck do you live that you can buy a new three story house for $1m
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
I don't think I've ever been not dissociated, sometimes I have these spikes when the dissociation gets worse I also experience derealization and depersonalization So like, I constantly feel as if I'm in a dream and that I'm playing a first person video game, and that I control the body, but I'm not the body but the body is me Whenever I look in t......
TheSuperBunny answered question about make a webcomic or webtoon
A lot of close ups with good lighting, like in Lost in the Cloud, and Save Me Also, like another person said, not a lot of 3d models
I'll hide in the corner, afraid of the ball I'm not sure we're gonna win with these two
TheSuperBunny answered question about question
I can't keep friendships I make friends fairly easily but it always end fairly quickly I can be bestfriends with someone, talking everyday, meeting a lot, sharing traumas and worries with each other, talking about never having a falling out But after MAXIMUM 2 years the other person just starts to ignore me one day It happened earlier this year......
TheSuperBunny answered question about being single
Repetitive questions that are posted about twice a week