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nilsuki created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

i guess that İS for the best, the dragons are in a politically weird situation for kouka’s current rulers, and instead of being wasted with that back and forth limbo, to be protected in that goblet till everything is settled is better

nilsuki created a topic of Yours to Claim

ngl i feel like the characters themselves feel sad because they know they went in circles and all this pain was for nothing.. all of them wronged each other, and i still am really confused as to why they made some of the decisions they made. Maybe they dont know either and wish to take it back. But thats life ig, they all fucked up and will want to pretend this never happened and just move on with their lives

nilsuki created a topic of Yours to Claim

Girly pop did you not expect this? You tell people to go and yk what they take that advice and do so

nilsuki created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

Not only did they manipulate soo won into turning against his friends and have his childhood innocence ruined, now theyre planning on controlling everything else too and go against his wishes. The whole (soo won’s dad) cult is starting to piss me off more and more

nilsuki created a topic of Yours to Claim

Yahwi stop kissing joo in challenge failed, oh failed again.. oh! Nah nvm unsuccessful -_-

nilsuki created a topic of Yours to Claim

ill dick ride yahwi till the ends of hell, i love a man who knows he fucked up and is bettering himself as the bare minimum

nilsuki created a topic of Perfect Buddy

man i feel so bad with people who constantly think theyre the villain for having one morally grey quality (in this case he isnt even necessarily violent, everyone has a side to them like that and baek is doing a normal job keeping himself checked with the occasional REASONABLE outbursts) i hope that in the future chapters we’ll have baek’s home life be discussed between the two cuz i dont want him to have that thought in his head all the time

nilsuki created a topic of Semantic Error

i feel so bad for both of them ive always been on sangwoo’s end of blurting out things and freaking out, but i love how he finally said it and jang is patient enough to go after him again

nilsuki created a topic of Yours to Claim

Either i have been completely oblivious or this whole past life thing is so out of left field. Well ig thats the author’s style, just felt like itd be better to get eased into it.

The funny thing about both cain and yawhi is that theyre kinda both toxic but in different ways. Cain might sound like the kindest prince but he is literally obsessed with his own happiness and has not really been focusing on what Jooin might need or want. All one sided. Thankfully yahwi is kinda getting to that point of understanding (although him kissing Jooin one last time was kinda meh ig)

Jooin is the only one doing their best to actually maintain the relationships, but he is also aware of his worth so he’s taking no ones bullshit (LETS GO) i just hope they give him the space to organize his thoughts without that “okay you do your thing and ill wait for you” type of pressure, not to mention them just waiting is such a lazy thing to say considering they have a crap ton of responsibility to fulfill as well.

nilsuki created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

Took this bitch 116 chapters to finally give a proper ass smile after all the crap he put everyone through. Id be a better husband

nilsuki created a topic of Honto Yajuu

bro gay marriage talk in Japan has recently been introduced on a government scale (i think it hasnt been approved of yet though) HOW ARE THEY GONNA GET MARRİED???