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Riaya created a topic of Cooking Wizard

Am I the only one who feels like the pacing has changed a lot in the past couple of chapters??? Like the pacing is more rushed now

Riaya created a topic of Genius Archer’s Streaming

He's so adorable ╥﹏╥ ╥﹏╥ I wish him the best

ITS BAAAACK!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Riaya followed a goer
10 04,2024
Riaya created a topic of Wadatsumi no Yometori

Bawled my eyes out ╥﹏╥ such a beautiful story

Wow and after all that Raymond still has the audacity to be a douchebag? The audacity of these men

Riaya created a topic of My Girlfriend's Friend

Okay so this is shit and I decided to come back to see if this MF got what he deserved after months and istg if she takes him back (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ hate this mf but I'll wait for the next chapter since i wanna see if this girl finally stands up for herself

Riaya created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

Can't they just wait for the future patriarch to die of natural causes before finding the next beast's egg? Why should he need to kill his dad??? Ik his dad is acting cold and heartless in order to push him to do it but is it truly necessary?

Riaya created a topic of I Hated It Even More

Where's the rest of chapter 41? ╥﹏╥ couldn't find it on any other websites either

Love that the heroine is so active and decisive, but I wish she told others prior to her tossing herself in danger ┗( T﹏T )┛

Riaya created a topic of I Hated It Even More

Those slaps were so satisfying ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Riaya created a topic of The Kids Have Changed

The art isn't even bad, it's just different y'all are tripping. The promo and the actual adaptations almost always have different artists since promo artists are usually more expensive

Sir... Aren't you the bastard that hit her???? Hypocrisy at it's best

I think they're going to exaggerate the rumors and then reveal the relationship between Elisha and her dad. If they do then I hope everyone who doubted Elisha feels idiotic and ashamed in themselves (๑•ㅂ•)و✧