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keiji created a topic of Arpeggio on Sea Surface

im glad they brought up the topic of health (other than mental health) because it really does affect your health if your mental state is in distress

keiji created a topic of Free in Dreams

also he looks like a father like not even just daddy like GROWN ASS FATHER with his white hair styled like that

keiji created a topic of Free in Dreams

so who else zoomed in or brightened their phone screen LMAO

keiji created a topic of Plin's Love Juice

let me tell yall i did NOT expect a dick let alone uncensored in this chapter

it caught me off guard that hes talking in animal form

keiji created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

see how cute a non toxic relationship can be? the white haired psycho should take some notes lol

keiji created a topic of Sketch

this is the first time ive read a bl where the top is moaning and making a face as if hes the one getting railed THIS IS SO HOT WHAT

keiji created a topic of The Selfish Romance

i really want to know what kind of favour did the ex owe to mc for him to dedicate 6 years into a romance he didnt even feel

keiji created a topic of Foul's Start

is this a bot or what… just let the scan group upload -.-

keiji created a topic of My God Is A Lustful Man

i feel so bad for the teacher hes so genuine about his feelings

keiji created a topic of The Selfish Romance

kinda wanna see the ex fiance’s face tho

keiji created a topic of Obsidian Bride

okay well find marianne and replace mc and mc can live happily ever after with moon owl

keiji created a topic of The couple breaker
keiji created a topic of Gentle Forest
keiji created a topic of Green Apple Paradise


here we go again…. ive seen this before