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Zy⁷'s feed

Lala being forward and initiating the kisses and touches really cements the fact that regardless of her reasons for giving in, it is with her consent. I mean, a drop dead gorgeous man is practically begging to bed you, made your dreams come true and has been utterly loyal for decades, who's heart won't skip a beat when presented such devotion?

She loved him as family when he was young, but he's no longer that boy. The years they spent together as guardian and ward is but a drop to the time they were apart. While it may have been a short time in Lala's case, I'm sure it didn't take long for her to realize that Alis is a man, someone who's grown and can no longer be considered a child. Honestly, I'm pretty sure it wasn't just because she wanted to repay him that she's opening her heart, but because she's actually attracted to him and her heart's been open for a while now lol (≧∀≦)