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I reas this in one go and my final review is that the author ruined everything with season 3.
I was so happy at first with the slowburn. I even wondered if this is the first ever manhua to go without as much as a kiss for over 50 chapters but when the seme knew the uke’s secrets he suddenly transformed 180 degree!
I get that his personality was originally trash but he’s just being pure evil now and i cant stand the rape chapters i basically skip them all.
And I don’t know if its just me but the seme’s ‘sex talk’ is so cringe

Sky created a topic of Distorted Soul

Guys i think yall are confused. If you wanna feel bad for someone then it’s absolutely the stepfather. Baeksa’s body is only remembering what happened to the stepfather before.
He’s fucking pitiful.

Sky created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Also skylar: proceeds to shout himself how they should break up

Sky created a topic of Gig of the Day

I dont know why everyone’s hating on taeseo? He never stated that he liked yeomin nor did he deceive him so he practically did nothing wrong.
Its not his fault yeomin fell for him.
While i love yeomin (i read this for him) but i dont see why yall call taeseo the reddest flags when other semes are manipulating, raping and cheating on their ukes but still forgiven and loved by yall and on the other hand taeseo is getting so much hate cuz he’s honest and is here for a little fun

Sky created a topic of Jinx

Spoiler of ch 34

Wtf is wrong is with jaekyung? He could have easily told heesung that he’s sleeping with dan. End if story.
But going out of his way and calling heesung over when he’s fucking dan ( and dan clearly doesn’t know and WOULDNT allow that if he did) to show him that dan is his what? Possession? Yeah fuck you