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JayMooch created a topic of PASSION

I keep asking for the link to the raws, and I keep losing it. Does anyone have them

JayMooch created a topic of Roses and Champagne

It's been 2 monthssss come back plz

JayMooch created a topic of PASSION

Does anyone have the raws? I really want them

JayMooch created a topic of Jinx

That made me actually start crying I feel so bad for poor Dan.

JayMooch created a topic of Yours to Claim

Ok so he just doesn't end up with anyone. What the flip. I've wasted too much time tryna see where this goes. No reason it should have dragged out this long

JayMooch created a topic of Touch Up

Can someone explain the significance of The "name" on the body? Are they tattoos? Like idk what's going on

JayMooch created a topic of Roses and Champagne

What happened was there like a hiatus?

JayMooch created a topic of Waterside Night

Does anyone know when the official for season 3 comes out?

JayMooch created a topic of Guiding Hazard

does anyone have a link to the raws