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Just Confused created a topic of Can't Think Straight

He couldve taken advantage of Garam. like many shit manga on this site. but no a little kiss ( which is still wrong and if garam does kick him hell deserve it)

instead man was like nahh fucking masterbaited to garam.

Just Confused asked a question

Can someone help me find a manga where the main couple are in a hidden relationship.

manhwa and manhua are welcome
bl, gl and het are all welcome

i love everyone is done woth mashimas shit and wanting lucy to finally be able to show her abilities.

lik3 how come a person who practices daily has all but 4 celestial zodiacs (libra pisces ophucus and temporarily lost aquarius)so thats 9. she has 9 of the strongest keys. has a great trust between them all even aquarius.

and yukino outshines her. at this point its rage bait.

i get it be powerful you go yukino but lucy is main character yet no spotlight.

basically fanservice machine.

itll take 90 years to hokd hands 75 more to confess 25 for them to get together and a furthher 80 to kiss.

the sliw burn is slow burning

Just Confused like the answer
What’s empowering to women depends on the woman, if u as a straight women find stories about mlm and their sexual relationships empowering good for u ig, but like what was the liberating part for u, I’m curious

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Just Confused created a topic of Monthly Chest

look at all these simps.

i dont blame them.

Just Confused created a topic of Blood Link

the amont of consent in this makes me so happy

Just Confused created a topic of Nii-chan (harada)

i asked for fucked up, i got fucked up, too much fucked up, but oddly good fucked up, and realised this happens to actually people- thats fucked up, now im sad because i cant save those who actually experienced or are experiencing this thing and unluck this story theirs is likely to not end happily.

is it just me or everytime they remove their clothes it makes me think they are removing thirer dkin and fur-

can we just have a whole manga just on the cat- minto was so cute and i love their protective side for their dad.

just give me a whole book on him and i’ll be content

Just Confused created a topic of Eien Ni Owaranai

ive read more fucked up shit but this is up there too

if your going to complain go by the chapters cause you obviously arent broke.

Just Confused created a topic of Sex Drop
Just Confused created a topic of Sit, Wait, Kiss Me

the way they were planning to propose on the same day-

Just Confused created a topic of Love Joto!

finally a yaoi that contains a thing called consent