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this author always pops this pussy mama

C the gay lord asked a question

so im looking for a yaoi about im pretty sure 2 coworkers who end up being very sexually compatible with one another but they are also like enemies.. i remember the bottom is looking for people on a dating app and the top is who he finds to sleep with. they get to the hotel room and are like "itd be a waste not to.." and sleep together. then blah blah blah drama unrequited feelings and then a sex scene in a broke down elevator?? ik i remember so much and im trying so hard to remember the name and i know ive read this story before but i just cannot remember the name right now pls help sorry

actually so cute i cant this was great and so funny

yk its aight i agree w the other commenter that it rlly just needs more chapters and by that i mean like literally one side would suffice to wrap it up i just feel like i need more idk

im ready for deeta to be happy please

how has no one commented on this anyways if ur looking to see how it is, its cute!!!

C the gay lord created a topic of Our Sunny Days

need the top in an unhealthy way he is so fine jesus

this shit is too cute for me im just like screaming every time i read it god so cute

euthanize her ass ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

C the gay lord created a topic of #BLgokko

side couple best

C the gay lord created a topic of Kumo to Ito

yeah this was pretty good, i think the older guy was kinda drawn a bit weird but i think maybe author doesnt have as much experience drawing dilfs which is fine because he was still a cutie!!! first top is my absolute fav tho he bad asf

i remember reading the oneshot sooooo long ago... this is so cute

C the gay lord created a topic of Rhapsody in Red

this authors works beat my pussay up im investing in this being amazing at chapter 1.2


ill be coming back and rereading this story till the day i die

im just like sitting here saying what idek what

C the gay lord followed a goer

8 year yaoi streak LESGOO
rip my shotas  (??? - 2023)

dont make assumptions abt my personality nor any part of me. i fucking am not gonna do a cute bio, this is not social media. i'm only coming here to read.

if fiction affects your reality, go get help. you are cut from the same cloth as those who you hate bc you're BOTH basing your views on fiction and letting fiction take you away from reality.

17 08,2023