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jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Gig of the Day little puppy.....

I feel like he's also related to kowase in some sprt of way (maybe a secret friend or someone who also hates the gang)

Either way, im looking forward for everyone in that gang's demise

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of One Night Only

ohhh past life.....Anyways, back to the modern times

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Double Bell

i want this level of "friendship"
*Wink wink*

This manga is fucking with my brain A LOT it's cute and all but i get this weird vibes from the dad and all i hope it's just me and my paranoia with cute art with psychological tags

Seriously, i started reading this with the impression that this is going to be a dark bl story like profundis, black lotus, or see you never but i like how the story has it's own dark side spin to it despite it being more on the fluffy, soft side.

she's gorgeous. I love the art, i wish they could've extend this for a few chapters. I just wanna see how their relationship evolve after the "peace agreement"

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Monday'saviour

He's a lil crazy but he's hot, okay? also the friend could be a lil sus too but who knows we might be jumping into conclusions i hope he's not bad tho

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Imitation Play

dear god, i want what they have.

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Gig of the Day

yeomin is too cute. I wanna shield him from all the bad things in this world.

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

They love each other so much. I want what they have, your honor

The fl and her brother is just like me and my sibling fr

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Gig of the Day

he's so angelic, so pure, i wanna adopt him so bad and just care for him for the rest of his life /cries/

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Gig of the Day

they're so fuckin cute

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Gig of the Day

the uke is so cute. He's such a good boy -- i wanna pet him so bad

dear gods, i want what they have.....the relationship

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Itooshiki Hibi

Y'all im a mess rn, rereading this was heartbreaking and yet wholesome i can't see thru my tears rn