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not me laughing so damn hard bcs of this series the meme references ARE CRAZY — the artist went ahead and outdone themselves

she's so adorable. She's just too pure for this world. She deserves to live at least another 1000 years She's just so genuine and so polite, i love her so much thank you for the adorable art too

give one chance to be reincarnated in this world so that i could fuckin punch the shi out of the FL. She's so fuckin useless, all she does was be a fuckin headache, man. The poor prince looks so starved of love and i can't help but pity him (might as well take the kid and raise him as my own son). He grew up with an emotionless parents — how could they hate such a sweet boy like this.

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Shinyuu no

ngl 50% of me stays for the story and the art and the main couple but the other 50% stayed for lil boss, he's so adorable!

FINALLY. but damn i feel bad for piggy but he needs tough love from mc grow healthy and become the strongest meat shield, goo

paparun is a good person but he's not an IDEAL person to fall in love with (pre-miki confession). I'm glad he just backed off after realizing his mistake — also im happy that ikki & miki got together

So today (june 1st) is also tama's birthday? Happy birthday lmaooo happy pride month as well

the story seemed fast paced but knowing that this is a 5-chapter manga, this is expected. This story is quite okay-ish, the art's great

lmao what a dick move, he felt threathened when he felt like Goto-sensei is stealing mc from him

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Majo to Neko

bro it's the characters from majo to inu! apparently this series seems to be the sequel-ish to majo to inu

when's the extra chapter tho? I wanna see the baby content

hopefully uploaders will update the extra chapters

wow autism awareness and representation in a manhwa? im living for it! It's very rare for authors to do this and im so glad we get to see it here, the plot, the art and the overall experience reading this is great, solid 11/10 I can't wait for the next chapter

oh my precious minato :'(( i love this family so much

might've caught a toothache bcs of how sweet these two babies are. I'm rooting for them! Also their chibis are so adorable

jalapeno on a stick created a topic of Toxin

Im so sorry mr. Tax collector in the imae village but i just don't have a good feeling about you — you're kinda sus i don't like the ML as well, he kinda hurts my balls to watch tbh

This series is too short. WHERE'S THE KIDS? I WANNA SEE THE KIDS!

man's don't know how to use video call app, forgot to end the video call, ends up getting caught jerking off by the guy who didn't left the call that's literally the worst thing that could happen to you LMAO but nonetheless this is funny