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Froggy created a topic of Shishunki Cherry Bullet

I love this ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Froggy created a topic of Under the Green Light

This is 1 of my most favorite reads ever. Can someone recommend me something similar to this? Or maybe something that has a character like Matthew(messed up but nice person)?

What mental illness does inseop has to be so in love with his r@pist psychopath

Froggy created a topic of Dirty High

Josh kinda acts entitled towards angel idk

Froggy created a topic of Naka Made Aishite

Man...insecurities like yuzurihara's kinda hurts me ╥﹏╥ This type of insecurity is more complex than just getting jealous over somebody aaaaaa

Froggy created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

They don't care about the cameras, they giving out free porn

Froggy created a topic of Gig of the Day

Taesoo can't show care but gets irritated when other people show their carepick a struggle tf

Froggy created a topic of Under the Green Light

Fuck that old stinky guy...don't show your facemf. Let us enjoy mathew and jin's wholesome moments

I'm so glad the seme isn't some basic ass character with no gray moralsthis manhwa can't have neither angst nor a plot if it was so cliché


Froggy created a topic of Under the Green Light

Dayum the prof is disappointing me though. Isn't unprofessional to let your student be deprived of his earned rights because of some damn rumors?

Froggy created a topic of Under the Green Light


Froggy asked a question

I wish we could delete our replies....oof

Froggy created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

The last thing Skylar needs is a relationship. He's the textbook definition of an abusive emotionally unavailable bf. He can't reciprocate any of the efforts Cirrus puts like trying to talk it out or putting in the actual work for a relationship. Ch100 makes that very clear. Cirrus may communicate his feelings 24/7, what hurt him, what could make him better, even sharing his deepest traumas but skylar puts all his efforts down the drain. Reminding cirrus of his dad despite him trusting his life's most horrible experience with skylar is just wack. Imagine physically abusing your lover, really? Do they not live in a country of law?

Froggy created a topic of Night Song

Rereading for the 3rd time

Froggy created a topic of Jinx

In alternative universe Dan became a boxer to beat tf out of jaekyung himself

Froggy created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I'm looking forward to when skylar will share and communicate his part to cirrus but it's getting hard to actually see them be in a relationship. Hate to break it to u guys but love isn't enough to make a relationship last. TBH I feel like cirrus is gonna end up reliving the same abusive relationship he had with his father, as in he'll be the same victim again but this time it'll be through skylar