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inumaki created a topic of Hyperventilation

is seonho a sadist or something ?? i get hella S vibes

inumaki created a topic of I Am a Zombie

this was dropped ??? pain.

inumaki created a topic of I Am a Zombie

i love zombie romance mangas but a ZOMBIE/ZOMBIE ROMANCE ?? something i didn't know i severely needed until now

inumaki created a topic of Love Me Doctor!

i thought - i thought hyuk was straight and this was his first time liking a guy ?? guess i overlooked something

inumaki created a topic of Blind Play


bakugo or literally anyone kissing kiri when he's in unbreakable gets my heart so weak it's not even funny

inumaki created a topic of Koi Kirari, Kage Sururi

BUT kume gives me HELLA regression vibes (for all you non-psych peeps or people who just don't know, regression is the returning to a less developed state, usually to a child age. it happens a lot to people who have experienced trauma/poor upbringing in their life.) idk when he first crawled into bed with nogami, it just felt like/seems similar to when a child would crawl into bed with their mother or father for comfort. his "pushiness" also gives me a child-like vibe; it doesn't seem malicious or calculated but rather like he's too simple-minded and misinterpreting things/taking them too literal, like a child would. also that scene where he is speaking with nogami about his wife and his ex, nogami even points it out "he's withdrawing into himself." now this isn't an explicit sign of regression, it could def be something else (many people who suffer from anxiety and other mental illness to do it as well) but many people who experience regression do that pose, to try and seem "smaller."

anyway, the "sex" scene seemed very strange to me. like his thought process was "i am lonely. nogami is lonely. sex feels good and makes me feel less lonely. so that means it should also make nogami feel good and less lonely. so i should have sex with nogami." very simple, right ? perhaps we'll learn more about kume to understand why sex was his first thought to combat loneliness. (sometimes victims of abuse/mistreatment/neglect will turn to this; or maybe it has something to do with his ex and how he had preferred women. it probably made kume feel inferior. <edit: kume had said "the usual" it was established that his ex was a scummy cheater but i suppose it also carried over to sex. he most likely did not care for kume at all during sex and only took instead of also giving back.> all in all, it's obvious kume has skewed view on what sex is and should be.) or maybe i'm reading too much into it and it was just a drunk kid wanting to fuck and/or pay back nogami for being kind and sex is the only way he knows how to)

so kume has def been a victim of neglect, yeah ? by his parents and his ex. i think that scene with taki (nogamis friend) is what really set him off. when taki called kume a "chance," that made kume feel like he was actually useful and was actually being noticed for once. perhaps even needed.

i don't think kume is manipulative (or at least not knowingly manipulative). i think he has a very child-like mind and because of this misinterprets things, resulting in the sex and the cancellation of the property. maybe i'm just reading too much into it a simple plot and character ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ it's prob gonna have like 5-6 chap and most 5-6 chap bls don't really have subtleties or deeper meanings :/ (or maybe the author is just trying to subvert our expectations and kume is actually a psychopath or some shit and he's obsessed with nogami ! idkk)

inumaki answered question about need mental health help
inumaki answered question about be a dumb bitch
... people actually keep track of who they argue with ... ? lol what
inumaki created a topic of Koi Kirari, Kage Sururi

i literally wrote this whole essay about kume and his mental health and why he may act the way he does and it got deleted ://////

inumaki created a topic of Blind Play

where y'all getting that jeong-yeon is ah-in's boyfriend ? just cause they fuck and he gives him gifts ? i never saw them as that lol. also ah-in definitely isn't stupid, he knows jeong-yeon doesn't love him, that's why he's trying to buy his love with trips and gifts and sex. he probably also knows he's "cheating"/fooling around w other guys. he just doesn't care.

inumaki created a topic of Sweet As Hell

your story is getting boring and there's no conflict happening ? just add a new potential love interest/character to fuck shit up ! (i'm getting tired of this trope guys. seriously. so tired.)

inumaki created a topic of Sweet As Hell

first, i spy a MAHITO FAN !! second, uggghghhhhhh. that's literally how i felt reading this chapter. like seriously. when is eui-hyun just going to MOVE THE FUCK ON. like come on bro, i know you love the guy or whatever but are you seriously this self-disrespecting to continuously have sex w the guy that doesn't love you (or so he's said) and follow him around like a little puppy ?? ugh bro. i hope this new boyfriend kickstarts eui-hyun's brain into actually functioning fr

inumaki created a topic of Mayoke no Darling

ok so i read this AGEESS ago and i just recently found it again and i thought this when i first read it and i still stand by it: haruka is the cutest fucking thing i've literally ever seen. his mannerisms, his lil hamster face, his clothes !! AH. just so cute

inumaki answered question about being alone
ok so this might be like kinda weird but raisin bran and the whole grain cheerios bang sooo fucking hard
inumaki answered question about hate a friend
nope cause i am never wrong cause i am basically a god. (this is a joke btw)
inumaki answered question about how are u guys doing in school
i'm failing every class and i barely show up
inumaki created a topic of Lucky Paradise

taesoo didn't do anything wrong so far (don't remember him doing anything wrong anyway) so idk why y'all ganging up on him. just cause u want to see ho-in and chunwoo in a relationship doesn't mean taesoo is a bad guy ?? chunwoo doesn't even seem to like ho-in romantically yet :l

inumaki answered question about disturbing thing you saw
this mf fr. my love for him is limitless

so i saw the chinese raws (here--> it's censored tho, in like it's literally cut off) and youngtaes eyebrows are also suddenly blonde there too ??? like i was hoping it was a decision on the scan teams part but NO. the author literally switched the color and i am SAD. this is an injustice to all thick dark bushy browed men :(((((