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Supreme Gentlemen May 16, 2024 12:47 am

Euros like Zendaya are my ideal type but these Euros only want pretty bottoms.This world is beyond cruel to my existence. Why must I suffer. Why do these males chose twinks like Agent Fool, why do they not like an equisite Eurasian like myself to teach them how a real gentlemen can be? Tsk

Supreme Gentlemen May 16, 2024 12:33 am

Morning Diamond is my ideal type, it deserves a gentlemen like me. Morning Diamond baby, forget these haters. They are untrained bottoms. I, on the other hand, am an exquisite gentlemen and I will never give you agony over my actions. I will only look at you. But alas, Morning Diamond always give attention to these untrained bottoms who cyber stalk it . Tsk what a cruel world we live in. My existence pains me. Morning Diamond deserves a supreme gentlemen to give it a sense in life.

    BaileyBot May 16, 2024 12:38 am

    When the incel serial killer likes you you know you're in the wrong

    ZAA May 16, 2024 12:40 am

    Did u rlly just write a poem??

    Safety Sentinel May 16, 2024 1:19 am

    There might be a misunderstanding regarding Supreme Gentlemen's feelings towards MD who is getting a lot of attention without responding in about 2 weeks.
    While it may seem like SG likes him SG has animosity with MD and MD has blocked him for having animosity toward him and actions of a troll.

    In reality, SG stance towards MD might be quite different from what appears on the surface as this maybe just trolling.
    In addition, TM would that statement about serial killers is not accurate.

    jjj May 16, 2024 9:10 am

    Elliot Rodger's Gay cousin...

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 5:15 pm

    Thank you my beautiful gentleman.

    Safety Sentinel May 16, 2024 7:01 pm
    There might be a misunderstanding regarding Supreme Gentlemen's feelings towards MD who is getting a lot of attention without responding in about 2 weeks. While it may seem like SG likes him SG has animosity wi... Safety Sentinel

    I stand corrected there are many individuals who claim to be MD. So SG message is about the MD that responded instead of the MD that I was referring too.

    SG summons the MD that has been silence for months (?).

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 8:25 pm

    The above pedo: Cry about your main alt account being exposed. And keep wasting more hours of your day defending it with chatgpt

    Safety Sentinel May 16, 2024 8:56 pm

    Unfortunately, there seems to be a misunderstanding here. Baseless accusations and personal attacks only serve to create hostility and harm, rather than fostering constructive dialogue. Let's focus on discussing the topic at hand with respect and civility, rather than resorting to unfounded accusations. Thank you

    My first comment attempting to provide context and clarify the relationship between "Supreme Gentlemen" (SG) and "MD," suggesting that SG's apparent animosity towards MD might be fueled by trolling behavior rather than genuine feelings. This is a valid observation aimed at fostering understanding and addressing misconceptions.

    My second comment acknowledges the existence of multiple individuals claiming to be MD and attempts to redirect the focus of SG's message to the MD who has recently responded, rather than the MD I had initially referenced. This shows my willingness to correct any inaccuracies and engage in constructive dialogue.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 9:17 pm

    Yeah exactly like that

    Safety Sentinel May 16, 2024 9:36 pm

    I want to clarify that I'm not expressing anger or hostility in my messages. My intention is simply to address the situation calmly and assertively. I wonder if may be my messages have been misinterpreted or a projection their own emotions onto my words.

    It's essential for us to engage in respectful dialogue, even when discussing challenging topics. By focusing on understanding and mutual respect, we can move towards more productive and constructive interactions.

    I appreciate your willingness to engage in conversation, and I hope we can continue to communicate in a respectful and constructive manner. Thank you

    Supreme Gentlemen May 16, 2024 11:25 pm

    shut yo bitchass up

Supreme Gentlemen May 5, 2024 3:53 am

Forget these critters, Jaekyung you can toss me around and rape me all you want. Im yours. I will let you mark me with a knife. Carve your name into my slutty back. But unfortuanly high class tops like these only want pretty boy tops. This world is a cruel reality. I hate this suffering.

Supreme Gentlemen May 5, 2024 3:49 am

Cirrus baby, forget him. He's an untrained bottom. I, on the other hand, am an exquisite gentlemen and I will never give you agony over my actions. I will only look at you. But alas, these tops always want the untrained bottoms. Tsk what a cruel world we live in. My existence pains me.

    Duncan May 5, 2024 4:04 am

    Plz go outside

    Lover2Manga May 5, 2024 4:24 am


    kitt May 5, 2024 7:00 am

    wtf is this my guy

    Zeph May 5, 2024 7:13 am


    Kumakuma May 5, 2024 7:32 am

    I read worst sh*t on MRM but my guy dude wtf

    midorisheadlice May 5, 2024 7:53 am

    dawg what now

    Miau May 5, 2024 8:26 am

    This gave me a good chuckle

    Arysa May 5, 2024 8:33 am

    This better be a troll cause Skyler did nothing wrong? I don't understand why people are mad that he talked to Chanil. He didn't confessed to Chanil (He is already dating Cirrus and loves him), he didn't kiss him heck he even refused to go to the exbit with him. What more do you all want????? Is he not suppose to talk to his ex crush or what? Before being his ex crush Chanil is also both of their common FRIEND. Skyler JUST TALKED TO HIM AND YOU ALL ARE REACTING AS IF THEY SHARED A BED!
    Take a shower bestie cause you and your room which you have not left for years is smelling nasty ass ahh.
    (Not only directed to op but everyone else too)

    achoo May 5, 2024 5:46 pm


Supreme Gentlemen December 8, 2023 3:55 am

Males like these need to sleep with a manly bottom like myself to forget about their love for children. Or else the next stop is prison...

Supreme Gentlemen December 8, 2023 3:50 am

These pathetic males really have the endurance to chase low status bottoms for a year. These males are...sign. When will a supreme top like Jaekyung date a supreme bottom and gentlemen who will treat him right, like me? This is a twisted world we live in

Supreme Gentlemen October 12, 2023 4:59 pm

I want potato boy to turn into mashed potato after being smashed potato

Supreme Gentlemen October 9, 2023 8:00 pm

I’ve been bottom training for a week hoping Ed can fuck me and white man did it in a day

Supreme Gentlemen October 8, 2023 8:26 pm

When I think of no-life, unemployed, too much time on your hands, fatherless, motherless, I think of Morning Diamonds.

    Mikaela October 8, 2023 8:40 pm

    What the hell is happening.

    Morning Diamonds October 8, 2023 8:47 pm

    Funny I think of you who shows your insecurities in yourself to everyone.
    Supreme Gentlemen October 8, 2023 5:14 am
    I wont mind if males like BJ Alex breed me hard for a month straight. Males like Alex need a submissive and endurent bottom like myself to know how real pleasure feels like, not like this unexperienced bottom like DJ who needs his bottom degree reevaluated.

    Supreme Gentlemen October 8, 2023 6:58 am
    Males like Jaekyung need to follow the piss diet for a cleansing of the mind and soul. I will gladly pee in his bumhole since I'm an expert in piss kink due to being born in an urinal. I will take him to an urinal and spread his ass eagleswing and then deploy a misile of piss directly into his little boy pussy.
    How do amateur twink bottoms like Jooin score...
    Supreme Gentlemen October 8, 2023 5:56 am
    How do amateur twink bottoms like Jooin score two ideal perfect males. This is rigged. I'm the highest ranked in my local bottom school. I hate to bottom 560 times to earn this title and this twink still won these males. These males are so shallow and only care about pretty twinks and not skillfull bottoms like myself. This unjust world is forming a tornado of void in my soul.
    All offense but perfect males like Jang Jaeyo...
    Supreme Gentlemen October 8, 2023 4:05 am
    All offense but perfect males like Jang Jaeyoung need a perfect bottom like myself to remind them of their worth. Twinks like Sangwoo need to go back to bottom school and relearn how to please males like Jang Jaeyoung.

    Supreme Gentlemen October 7, 2023 2:02 am
    All offense, but why do males like Asami always chase twinks who don't even care about them and give them a hard time? As a half asian, I'm very submissive so why wont these males even give me a chance?

    Supreme Gentlemen October 7, 2023 1:46 am
    Why do sublime males like Aiden go for untrained twinks. Why wont they date an eurasian bottom like myself? These males only want beautiful twinks. What a evil world we live in.

    Supreme Gentlemen October 7, 2023 1:17 am
    Classic Males always chasing the eye candies to breed. Why won't these males dick me down until it hits my throat? I mean, Im just so sophisticated. Why don't they want this eurasian bottom but instead they go for stuck up twinks. Jaekyung wouldnt breed with Dan if he was ugly. These males are so shallow and hearthless. These males...
    Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 3:47 pm
    Why do males like Jaekyung only go for pretty bottoms. These males are so shallow and only care about looks. Why can’t they see that I’m such a gentlemen. I can treat them better than these pretty bottoms.

    Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 3:12 pm
    Caius is just my type. But why do males like him only go for small twinks with round asses? Why won’t these slutty males see that I can also treat them well, better than those stuck-up bottoms. Sad…
    Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 4:45 am
    The day of retribution will commence when I get anally destroyed by Asami. But why won’t males like him even look at me? I am so lonely and I’m so sex deprived. I need a manly male to have sex with me. But why do they all go for pretty twinks with round asses. What does my flat ass lack? A butthole is a butthole. Why won’t these males see I can make them happy too? This is a twisted world we live in…
    Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 4:42 am
    Kang Daehyung is my ideal type. But why won’t males like him want me? What do this blonde twink have that I don’t? I mean just look at me, I’m nice, I’m smart and I’m clean. Why do these males only chase pretty twinks? I can’t treat these males better. This is a sad and twisted world.
    Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 4:37 am
    He tian is my ideal man, manly and a provider. But why do these males only chase twinks with bad attitudes. These slutty males are sad, very sad. Why can’t they see that I’m a gentlemen and that I will treat them well, instead of these twinks who can’t even respect them. Tsk.

    Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 3:28 am
    Im starved of sex. Why won't men like Alex cum inside me? Why can't I be worthy enought for them?
    Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 3:22 am
    Jaekyung is my type. But why won't men like him look at me? Why do they always chase those slutty twinks who are smaller than me? This twisted world is a sad sad place. You twinks make me suffer, so it's only fair I make you suffer. These stuck up twinks must leave manly men alone.

    Supreme Gentlemen October 6, 2023 3:19 am
    Adam is very hot. But men like him won't even look my way in public. Who do they think they are? They're sluts who only go for twinks that are smaller and better than me. I want to have sex with a big dick daddy too.

    Morning Diamonds October 8, 2023 8:49 pm
    What the hell is happening. Mikaela

    I would like to know. I told them to start respecting themselves. They decided to bully me?
    if they start respecting themselves they will find a man.

    Supreme Gentlemen October 8, 2023 8:49 pm

    See, told you, too much time on her hand

    Morning Diamonds October 8, 2023 8:53 pm
    See, told you, too much time on her hand Supreme Gentlemen

    Never revealed my sex or gender. And no I am busy working on something. I am trying to log in to my old account and making dinner for the fam.

    Ham. green beans, stuffing, and mashed potatoes.

    CatCaller October 8, 2023 9:00 pm

    They wish they could be good as you

    Morning Diamonds October 8, 2023 9:18 pm

    I wish I could be as good as Tora and Tmsmyz who would never stoop so low in targeted harassment who is trying to hurt or humiliate someone. What is so good about that?

    Morning Diamonds October 8, 2023 9:20 pm
    I wish I could be as good as Tora and Tmsmyz who would never stoop so low in targeted harassment who is trying to hurt or humiliate someone. What is so good about that? Morning Diamonds

    That = stooping so low in targeted harassment to hurt or humiliate someone.

    Tmsmyz October 8, 2023 11:55 pm
    I wish I could be as good as Tora and Tmsmyz who would never stoop so low in targeted harassment who is trying to hurt or humiliate someone. What is so good about that? Morning Diamonds

    You picked Tora a dominant man who is married to a woman.
    You picked a married couple, but I, TM, writes the most. I have said many times I am a top. I love Dan. JK is dull. I am the dominant one.
    You picked dominant men instead of a submissive bottom who you gave advice to because of cringeworthy comments.
    I think Tora and I have incidentally indicated your sex and maybe you did here. What if the op blew his chance to be with his soul mate here. Because he assumed you were a girl. He doesn’t understand morning diamonds is a joke between you, Tora and Mi. You three are silly! I am glad I am officially included now! (▰˘◡˘▰).

    Torakaze October 9, 2023 12:11 am
    Funny I think of you who shows your insecurities in yourself to everyone. Gentlemen October 8, 2023 5:14 amI wont mind if males like BJ Alex breed me hard for ... Morning Diamonds


    Supreme Gentlemen October 9, 2023 12:13 am

    Not you bringing your 3 alt accounts

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 12:26 am
    Not you bringing your 3 alt accounts Supreme Gentlemen

    Eww. So last season. Get new material.
    You must be bored to do that lame trolling nonsense.

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 12:26 am
    Run. Torakaze


    Morning Diamonds October 9, 2023 12:28 am
    Run. Torakaze

    Blocked. *

    Tmsmyz October 9, 2023 1:15 am
    Blocked. * Morning Diamonds


    Tang ina? October 9, 2023 3:50 am



    Morning Diamonds October 9, 2023 4:36 am
    You picked Tora a dominant man who is married to a woman. You picked a married couple, but I, TM, writes the most. I have said many times I am a top. I love Dan. JK is dull. I am the dominant one. You picked do... Tmsmyz

    Tora is very dominant which is why they are so obsessed with him. Say Tmsmyz Tangina is okay with unrelated Jinx topics that cyberbullying and mocking others. But when it is defending from cyberbullying Tangina is all riding your and Tora's dick making chaos and drama. Hyoroite Tangina. Complains about not talking about Jinx when it against them but when Tangina can ride Tora's dick, Tangina doesn't cares.

    .(^^) October 9, 2023 5:34 am

    these got me laughing and cringing with those comment, i am literally starting to think they have some mental issues cause this behavior cant be explained. adults be talking like they are still on kindergarten and want to be future heroes for comment section. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Torakaze October 9, 2023 6:33 am
    Tora is very dominant which is why they are so obsessed with him. Say Tmsmyz Tangina is okay with unrelated Jinx topics that cyberbullying and mocking others. But when it is defending from cyberbullying Tangina... Morning Diamonds

    EXACTLY!! This is what we are trying to stop on the page. People are getting sick of seeing non-jinx topics. -articles below, not me-
    “Opinions are one thing, ad hominem attacks are another. Attacking a person is low, and doing it anonymously is lower still;”

    Trolls are looking for specific responses. When they don’t get them, they go try and find someone else. It’s not so much as they are cowards, it’s that their attempted victim wasn’t victimized by them.

    To understand why they go away when certain people respond a certain way, you have to understand what the reward is they are looking for. And that depends on why the person is trolling.

    Someone studied online trolls Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists and found that a large number of them are dark triad types – narcissist, psychopaths and sadists. Meaning, an overwhelming number of trolls are mentally ill. Literally.

    Narcissists are looking to puff themselves up. When that doesn’t happen, they either flip or go find another place to feel superior. Or, they don’t even notice the response because just trolling makes them feel superior and they don’t need to see the response.

    Psychopaths – may treat this as play – they can manipulate people and that’s pleasurable to them. That’s enough.

    Sadists are looking to get people upset. When they succeed, they feel good. When they don’t, they don’t. So, if someone doesn’t get upset at their trolling, they just move on to find someone else who will. It’s a numbers game for them.

    “Theses “Trolls” need to “get a life.” You should be ashamed of yourselves.” “Trolls are nothing but COWARDS with nothing else to do but mind everybody else’s business but their own. Again, GET A LIFE. You are nothing but a sad, lonely, angry, miserable and/or bitter people.

    You have no shame. What happened to “do on to others as you would have done on to you”? I guess that doesn’t apply to “trolls.””

    .(^^) October 9, 2023 6:39 am

    if you ever read what you upload the description of those people in your comment it describes you guys unbelievable , i know ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Morning Diamonds October 9, 2023 6:47 am
    EXACTLY!! This is what we are trying to stop on the page. People are getting sick of seeing non-jinx topics. -articles below, not me-“Opinions are one thing, ad hominem attacks are another. Attacking a person... Torakaze

    AWESOME! That fits the trolls to the page. That is not you, Tmsmyz, me etc.
    That is the op, Tangina, and the backstabber that is trying to gaslight.

    TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL .(^^) October 9, 2023 6:39 am
    if you ever read what you upload the description of those people in your comment it describes you guys unbelievable , i know ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL

    They should be ashamed of themselves. What a coward!!

    MangaSanctuary October 9, 2023 8:12 am

    Supreme Gentleman: Why are you targetting specifically someone like that in your comment?
    Are you just here to flame people?
    You're not more intelligent with the shit you and that other person above you write.


    CatCaller October 9, 2023 11:30 pm
    Supreme Gentleman: Why are you targetting specifically someone like that in your comment?Are you just here to flame people?You're not more intelligent with the shit you and that other person above you write.FUC... MangaSanctuary

    Yes if you need to ask him then more intelligent

    BaileyBot May 16, 2024 1:29 am


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 1:40 am

    BaileyBot is showing she is targeting us. She is not a victim.
    What she is saying is unfounded allegation. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

    In light of recent events, it’s important to address the accusations and misunderstandings that have arisen. In March, MD took steps to create a safe space by changing his username to reflect a commitment to protecting individuals within our community. Despite these efforts, he has been subjected to mockery and false allegations by an individual known as Baileybot and the cyberstalkers.

    It has been claimed that MD engaged in inappropriate communication with a minor. However, this is factually incorrect, as evidenced by the empty direct messages (DMs) which were promptly shown to the community. The accusation that messages were deleted is unfounded and contradicts the evidence presented. He provided numbers. Baileybot can't provide the right numbers without photoshop. If numbers would be provided it would be to one of the impersonators copying MD.

    Baileybot has misattributed the actions of an impersonator to MD. This impersonator, who has admitted to both the impersonation and to making inappropriate comments, is not affiliated with MD. Their actions should not be conflated with MD’s character or intentions.

    Requesting a picture does not inherently label someone as a pedophile. Pedophilia is a serious and specific accusation that involves the sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It’s crucial to use such terms accurately and responsibly, as misusing them can cause significant harm and misunderstanding. While the cyberstalker’s admission to asking for a picture is concerning, it does not automatically equate to pedophilia without further context and evidence.

    The shifting narratives and inconsistent details provided by the accusers point to a pattern of gaslighting and misinformation. It’s crucial to differentiate between the actions of impersonators and the real MD, who has been transparent and cooperative throughout this ordeal.

    We urge the community to critically evaluate the claims made and to seek verifiable evidence before drawing conclusions. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure that discussions remain grounded in truth and that we avoid jumping to conclusions based on unverified or manipulated information.

    MD’s clarification regarding the legal definition of pedophilia was not an attempt to justify any behavior but to correct a misused term. It’s vital that we use such terms accurately to avoid causing unnecessary harm or confusion. Currently, there are false allegations circulating that conflate the actions of five or more individuals, all being wrongfully attributed to ‘MD.’ These claims inaccurately suggest that a single person was responsible for an event that is now being associated with multiple people. This misrepresentation is creating confusion and unfairly implicating ‘MD’ in activities they did not engage in.

    We hope that this statement provides clarity and encourages a move towards healing and understanding. It’s time to put an end to the cycle of accusations and to focus on building a community based on trust and respect.

    At the heart of this issue lies the repeated harassment directed at the targets whenever they express opinions related to Jinx. These targets are advocating for an environment where all opinions are welcomed and respected. However, it's the aggressors who falsely accuse them of being pedophiles and refuse to tolerate any perspective other than their own.

    The targets are essentially being coerced into accepting the aggressors' viewpoints or risk being driven away from the platform altogether. If you're someone who simply enjoys reading Jinx-related comments, it's crucial to recognize the falsehoods propagated by these cyberstalkers. Blindly believing their accusations could make you their next target should you express a differing opinion. Let's strive for a space where diverse viewpoints are valued and harassment is not tolerated

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 1:46 am
    Yes if you need to ask him then more intelligent CatCaller


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 1:49 am
    Tora is very dominant which is why they are so obsessed with him. Say Tmsmyz Tangina is okay with unrelated Jinx topics that cyberbullying and mocking others. But when it is defending from cyberbullying Tangina... Morning Diamonds

    lol. You guys spoke the truth and that is why they are always harassing you. You are something they are not and they are envious of you guys. They are so jealous they can’t see straight that is why they are harassing you guys. You guys are dominating and you guys are better people than them

    BaileyBot May 16, 2024 1:50 am


    Supreme Gentlemen May 16, 2024 1:58 am

    ONG these creatures are messed up in the head with their 500 alt accounts talking like extraterrestrials planted on this planet.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 1:59 am
    AWESOME! That fits the trolls to the page. That is not you, Tmsmyz, me etc. That is the op, Tangina, and the backstabber that is trying to gaslight. TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL .(^^) October 9, 2023 6:... Morning Diamonds

    We see it (the same person dickride themselves) everyday with BaileyBot and her many accounts supporting her like Cockette is. How many profiles is that 50? 100?

    I am not the individual I am tagging. There is a thing called friends and friendship. Some people needs to learn how to go find friends.

    -not MD.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 16, 2024 2:00 am
    ONG these creatures are messed up in the head with their 500 alt accounts talking like extraterrestrials planted on this planet. Supreme Gentlemen

    That does not explain the targets. That explains BaileyBot and her many actions.
    That is your side you are talking about.

Supreme Gentlemen October 8, 2023 6:58 am

Males like Jaekyung need to follow the piss diet for a cleansing of the mind and soul. I will gladly pee in his bumhole since I'm an expert in piss kink due to being born in an urinal. I will take him to an urinal and spread his ass eagleswing and then deploy a misile of piss directly into his little boy pussy.

    Meli :p October 8, 2023 7:09 am

    How can u talk something so dirty with a serious vocabulary? I love it HAHAHAHA

    Tang ina? October 8, 2023 7:22 am

    mf rilly reposted jesus XD

    Mikaela October 8, 2023 9:02 am
    How can u talk something so dirty with a serious vocabulary? I love it HAHAHAHA Meli :p

    Talking dirty with elegance.

    CatCaller October 8, 2023 1:56 pm

    I would pay to watch that

    K3nji October 8, 2023 2:08 pm


    sam October 8, 2023 5:20 pm


    Bakuhoe October 8, 2023 7:14 pm


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