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fushidfard add 1 photos to Album
fushidfard add 1 photos to misc

this guy looks like he could be 40

fushidfard add 1 photos to fart
fushidfard add 1 photos to misc

nvm he is kinda weird (also drag is not a kink !)

fushidfard add 1 photos to fart

artstyle artstyle artstyle

fushidfard add 1 photos to misc

this guy is so handsome smh why does he look like a creep in the fist page cover image thingy

fushidfard add 1 photos to misc
Tags: grah

oh hell no he's getting a haircut grah

fushidfard add 1 photos to misc
Tags: lol bad

what does tha t mean . trash talker .

fushidfard add 1 photos to misc

help the ""Salaryman""" became so basic whne it was revealed he's the top

fushidfard add 1 photos to misc

(once again saved something to the worng album) yeah of course the mc is the bottom. it was too goo

fushidfard add 1 photos to Album
Tags: lol

yeah of course the mc is the bottom. it was too good to be true (still hot though)

fushidfard add 1 photos to Album

just fuking immediately (pun unintended),,,,, yeah this i s still peak

fushidfard add 1 photos to misc


fushidfard add 1 photos to misc
Tags: lol peak

please you don't just ask that help

fushidfard add 1 photos to misc
Tags: lol

oh hey i have those type of jeans

fushidfard add 1 photos to misc
Tags: am dumb lol

oh wait it's renting,,, that's why he always asks the time,,,,, ohhh,,,,,,,,