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babe:) answered question about question
something that looks remotely found in the trash style or grunge or shit i cant my country n my family r so judgemental its been engraved in their blood down to their ancestors
babe:) answered question about question
fr tho, like u cut urself it aint gon do anything, u just lost blood and u need to get stitched. drinking bleach dont work and neither does od it just gives u food poisoning like wtf. i heard tho if u want a sort of a quick death with a noose u have to jump while having the rope arnd ur neck and i think itll snap when u drop w ur weight instead of ......
babe:) asked a question

i am curling and crying and throwing up and soon ill become a caterpillar in a cocoon getting liquified and rearranged my entire biological structure to become a butterfly with a new life and just a few lifespans left then die and thrown into an uterus as a sperm cell and egg cell unite and become what i would be an as i continue to curl up and die and slowly wither fading away from everyones minds getting stabbed in my abdomen with a four sided knife and getting twisted as my insides turn and create a passing hole in my body i would rather it be gone than continuously make me suffer in my death bed for weeks now

babe:) add manga to list smutty mangas/manwhas

Just some straight Up gang bang Smut about girls from another isekai world where only Women exist an...

  • Author: Takekawa Shin
  • Genres: Yuri / Shoujo Ai / Smut / Adult / Doujinshi
babe:) created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family

did anyone noticed this, like im not insulting the artist and i love the artstyle so much but they have a case of one face multiple characters srsly. they all have the same face structure, same eyes–especially the eyes, nose, mouth and even body. i still love it tho

honestly abandon the bl focus on the gl i fucking hate the story progression on that side ugh

babe:) answered question about question
artstyle and characters are rly significant for me, but mostly the stories that i dropped were ones of second hand embarrasment, plot so slow continents drifting away are faster, or certain icks of genre and point like harem or love triangle for example

i was thinking as soon as that sena girl came in the picture, why i hated her so much and why i felt deja vu. i literally had friend a like her who's jealous of everything i come in contact with and is so bossy that she controls who i would be with and what i would look like. its so tiring having to experience that tbh. hope she gets redemption or hina cuts her off for good, toxic so called friends are bad for the health.

babe:) answered question about be controversial
babe:) answered question about turn into a guy
bitch ass president and hell on earth, the sun is literally in here. that should suffice on what my country is
babe:) answered question about listen to a song on repeat
i honestly alrdy rewatched it 4 times now, and the way baby branch sung at the first part UGHHH like idefk the actual lyrics but its stuck
babe:) did

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and i dont mind if the world spins faster the musics louder the waves get stronger

babe:) asked question about listen to a song on repeat

have yall watched trolls 3 yet???? like i did for shits n giggles but wtf is up w the songs in there?? its diff from the prev movies pretty sure they mixed smth in it to make it stuck in my head for almost 2 weeks now

babe:) asked a question

im looking for a manwha. ik this is super vague and im not rly sure if anyone knows it but as far as i know, since i only saw the desc and comments, is that its a fantasy action manwha, the mc is super misogynistic, its a bit ecchi no a lot ecchi, i saw boobies and riding at the first panel and a text w smth like women are inferior? idk thats all i can rmbr. pls help me find it ive been losing my mind thinking if i was just dreaming that or what

babe:) answered question about play games
i can already feel that 2024 is shit for me. big fights w my so, my siblings r so nosy and uncaring, my mom got a new girlfriend that is a nuisance, ive got no real friends since i cut off those backstabbing, plastic, toxic shits and now im isolated in school, and got issues left and right from insecure bitches that r jealous bcs my grades r high. ......
babe:) asked a question

can someone recc me fantasy action mangas with no harem please i rly need those japanese op mcs rn

its been so long since ive straight binge read something. this story was really like a breathe of fresh plot and uniqueness. me and my romantic fantasy action drama heart loved it. also, FUCK YOU PSYCHOPATHIC MANIAC OBSESSED FREAK PERVERT DISGUSTING UTTER PIECE OF SHIT TRASH!! A SINGLE THOUGHT ABOUT YOU MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL AND PHYSICALLY MAKES ME COIL

babe:) asked a question

reccs for white and blank manga japanese shounen with no harem please i rly need fantasy action rn

babe:) answered question about question
he just honestly looks like a pretty boy obsessed twink
babe:) created a topic of Strange Store

the snowy hair story, dude just say its fashion or dye ur hair white like, djdkkedk