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babe:) answered question about listen to a song on repeat
i honestly alrdy rewatched it 4 times now, and the way baby branch sung at the first part UGHHH like idefk the actual lyrics but its stuck
babe:) did

318 people did   /   8 want to do

and i dont mind if the world spins faster the musics louder the waves get stronger

babe:) asked question about listen to a song on repeat

have yall watched trolls 3 yet???? like i did for shits n giggles but wtf is up w the songs in there?? its diff from the prev movies pretty sure they mixed smth in it to make it stuck in my head for almost 2 weeks now

babe:) answered question about play games
i can already feel that 2024 is shit for me. big fights w my so, my siblings r so nosy and uncaring, my mom got a new girlfriend that is a nuisance, ive got no real friends since i cut off those backstabbing, plastic, toxic shits and now im isolated in school, and got issues left and right from insecure bitches that r jealous bcs my grades r high. ......
babe:) asked a question

can someone recc me fantasy action mangas with no harem please i rly need those japanese op mcs rn

its been so long since ive straight binge read something. this story was really like a breathe of fresh plot and uniqueness. me and my romantic fantasy action drama heart loved it. also, FUCK YOU PSYCHOPATHIC MANIAC OBSESSED FREAK PERVERT DISGUSTING UTTER PIECE OF SHIT TRASH!! A SINGLE THOUGHT ABOUT YOU MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL AND PHYSICALLY MAKES ME COIL

babe:) asked a question

reccs for white and blank manga japanese shounen with no harem please i rly need fantasy action rn

babe:) answered question about question
he just honestly looks like a pretty boy obsessed twink
babe:) created a topic of Strange Store

the snowy hair story, dude just say its fashion or dye ur hair white like, djdkkedk

babe:) created a topic of Tanaka Family Reincarnates

the new updates dont load on me im gna cry anyone else experiencing this??? i cant read good shit cs of this, other manwhas or mangas dont load too

babe:) answered question about read 1000 manga or more
a had a recurring dream where i was in this private resort surrounded by trees and like the forest, then i was getting chased by a snake?? dinosaur?? smth like that with comically tiny asf arms balancing on a unicycle pedaling with its tiny legs standing up straight. then i remember i had someone w me that time too then we escaped through the entra......
babe:) created a topic of Strange Store

the dog one was so uncanny valley

i literally got goosebumps holy shit that was amazing as hell

babe:) answered question about disturbing thing you saw
well not the most disturbing one i saw but i saw a video of a family of three, the dad, the mom and the child, riding a motorcycle. they then fell and had an accident in the middle of the road. it was night that time so youd expect there arent any cars but no. the child and the mom was in the opposite lane, thankfully when they fell the mom was con......
babe:) created a topic of The Missing O

i actually really did not expected this to be this good like, i accidentally clicked on it and i was immediately captivated???? like i was hooked hooked on the story and i straight up binged it all day. the sex scenes were amazing too really it was hot and wasnt uncomfy at all, also a good thing from here is that THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS WERENT PROLONGED THAT MUCH AND IT WAS REALISTIC (slightly)

also the art style is really such a yummy treat the colors and everything is so cute and soothing to the eyes plus the boobs werent exaggerated and im so happy with the diversity too wjdjsjdjkad

nwys i actually rly liked the story it was a fun read!!

babe:) answered question about have sex
my relationship started with that lol but i wasnt a virgin at that time. all i can say is that sex isnt all that really, if u rly want to, first times should be gentle and be with care. the guy ure gna hook up w needs to be aware ure a virgin and knows how to be thoughtful or smth. also please use protection kiddos. also also be sure that ure fully......
babe:) created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family

he is so hot omfg gosh what wha aaaaaaaa ehdjejdjekdjsjjda just just look at him LOOK AT HIM like i saw ons cuteness and raon but LOOK AT CALE CALE OMFG DJRKEJFKEJFJSJD that look jesus omg OMG

babe:) answered question about have an unpopular opinion
bros acting like we're gonna agree w him or some shit LMAO get some therapy dude or maybe volunteer yourself at a mad house? thats where you belong anyway
babe:) answered question about need advice
thank you for all the advices i got, it really helped me reconsider my choices in life and realized how draining it is for me.
babe:) answered question about question
lmao y u so mad? getting mad over some emoticons too like r u a child bro? also throwing slurs at everyone who disagrees at u, babes ure cringe asf