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Ocean_127 answered question about question
Fuck isnotreal, fuck zionists, fuck all those supporting israhell. One day, they will suffer and then Palestinians will be the ones laughing. Hope they all fucking die, pieces of shit zionists. Anyway FREE PALESTINE from zionists assholes. And good day.
Ocean_127 followed a goer

 Just a dirty minded fujoshi who loves hardcore smut and hentai.

11 days
Ocean_127 created a topic of Night Fragments

I can't believe how I was hating on Yoen but now I'm in love with him. I mean what an amazing older brother he was, he was feeling guilty and sad all by himself. He genuinely loved Vince and Arrie. What a sweetheart. I'm really hoping through some twist Yoen is actually alive and not dead cause now I kind of want him to be happy and alive and well too. Same for Aryka and Vince.
They were all children , confused by their feelings, left out and feeling lonely. I hope they all get to solve this and I really hope Yoen comes back in some way cause I absolutely adore him now ╥﹏╥

Ocean_127 answered question about lmao
Well, the most vivid and odd one ever was when I was a child, like younger than 10 and I dreamt of someone slicing my family in half with a sword, like that's the most oddest and very clear one dream I remember. Another one was a survival one, like a bunch of my middle school classfellows who I never spoke to in my life and we all had to go past th......
Ocean_127 created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

After checking out the raws, my opinion and mind had still not changed and if anything I am baffled at how Jiho is literally just acting on his own whims. Inwoo told him, he told him that he doesn’t want to meet his mother, he doesn’t have fond memories of her and he doesn’t wish to see or talk to her yet this bitch goes and sets up a meeting and then after a tiny argument and seemingly coming to understand Inwoo’s point, he goes and does the same thing.
For a moment I thought it might be s good thing but Jiho is just plain on stupid or something. To repeat something when your partner has a deep trauma of it is just inexcusable.
And if you think about it, Jiho doesn’t wish to be seen with Inwoo holding hands or kissing in public, he recently came out and he’s still not there yet he’s basically forcing Inwoo to meet the source of his deep deep trauma. Its ridiculous.
Honestly so far I’m quite disliking this attribute of Jiho but let’s see what happens.

Ocean_127 created a topic of The couple breaker

That one girl is getting on my nerves so much. I just want to see her suffer and I want her boyfriend to leave her as well as that other girl to leave her spineless boyfriend as well. Neither that girl and guy deserve to have such shitty partners, especially that girl who is being such a piece of shit to get a high score or whatever bullshit. Hate her guts.

Excuse my rant but I despise her so much right now.

Ocean_127 answered question about being black sheep of mggo
I'm gonna be outright and say it as is since you yourself said shady discord type of shit, that's a definite and hard no. You don't know the person, they could be a catfish, they could be fooling you and let's be honest, they could and would very well have multiple people they're supposedly dating online cause you just don't know this person. This ......

That was a very sudden ending but glad it ended on such a nice and simple note.

How do I put this in simple words. I FUCKING HATE THE SISTER/EMPRESS/LENA. That bitch is getting on my nerves every time she shows up on my screen. Like I understand your parents died and it sucks, boo-fucking-hoo but Ruby also lost her parents and so many more doesn't mean you have to be a fucking tyrant or a bitch. She wanted to so badly overthrow the previous tyrant king only to became a bitchy tyrant empress herself. Like your exactly the same trash as that king now.

And Ruby? Seriously? I really loved her character so much in the beginning. She was endearing and cute and sweet, still is a character a like but like her 'doing anything for her sister' is just pissing me off. Like I get you adore your sis but get a life, be happy with the ML and just live on your own terms, stop listening to that bitch.

At first I didn't agree with the comments saying that ML should just run away and be free from the crazy sisters, but now I agree. Like the poor guy just wants to live and love and be loved and all he gets is people messing with him over and over.

Anyway just had to vent but ughhhhhh I hope this has a better ending than what I'm seeing the comments say but I think I'm just going to let it marinate cause I can't handle my baby Louie bring treated like trash.

Good day everyone and excuse the long ass venting(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Ocean_127 answered question about character obsession
I don't care what anyone says or anything but I'd definitely go with a bear than a man. Ofcourse we don't know what their intentions are but a forest? lone? And with a man? No way am I risking that in any way. I'd rather be alone and run into a bear (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Ocean_127 created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

Finally seems like things might be patching up and it's all working out. Atleast Junhyuk took care of that ass. I was literally laughing alongside him in joy when he beat that bitch. So satisfying. What a slay from him.

Ocean_127 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Like someone else said I hope Cirrus’s dad and stepmom suffer and die horrible deaths. Especially that piece of shit excuse of a dad. I thought I hated the stepmom more but wow his dad is an entire new breed of shitty.
So glad Cirrus is out of that hellhole now. I just want him and Skylar to live happily now. Gimme Rainbows and ponies(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Ocean_127 answered question about being black sheep of mggo
Since I haven't seen a rec for this one and it's one of the most underrated crime/mystery/thriller kdrama out there. Let me be the first to tell you to watch... MISSING: THE OTHER SIDE (SEASON 1 & 2) It has everything, literally everything. Its has crime, it has mystery, it has the supernatural, it has hints of romance though it's not the main fact......
Ocean_127 created a topic of Deadlock

Such an amazing story. I loved how gripping it was through and through but that ending is just plain on shitty. No sequel and nothing all while Corvus got away and there was no clear conclusion. Author should have just ended it with Dick killing Corvus and thats the end of it.
I love this so much but that ending is so disappointing. I needed more of Dick and Yuto ╥﹏╥

Oh My God! Going into this I thought that Lewellyn would really be a murderer and someone toxic or possessive or something. But my god, he is the sweetest most adorable person ever. The story is such a masterpiece. No smut needed to push the story, no extra bullshit, just straight to the point and mostly dramaless and so perfect. Literally, can't believe I never saw this before now but loved it and that ending is everything.

Ocean_127 followed a goer

alex's and tt's dick dealer 
my mangago baby mama is balls inspector 
-father of 2 
-weirdly obsessed with Will Graham 

sexiest man on mgg ONG 
blocking me before i can reply is pussy ass behavior 
this my gay corner (im straight trust)

one more "yo gf a man" joke, im commitin mass genocide 

made in Vietnam
manufacturing date: 2003 
expiration date: unknown 

lower yo fuckin tone if ur height start wit 5 or 4 when talkin to me 

"ppl either want to fuck you or fuck you over"

⠀⠀⠀      ⠀⣦⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠴⠖⠒⠊⠉⠀⠀⡘⠀⠀⠀

10 10,2023
Ocean_127 followed a goer
05 10,2023
Ocean_127 answered question about question
Well, my aunt was murdered like 5 days after summer started. Apparently it was the guy who used to help around, lived with her for 13 years. Surprising, shocking and just unexpected. A lot of shit to go with it cause apparently it could've been her cousins that ordered it and the police also stole all the jewellery and gold etc. Fucked up but that ......
Ocean_127 like topic of Jinx

Tmsmyz Is currently having a mental breakdown in the comments ignore them, don't engage with people that defend fictional rapist as if their lifes depended on it

Ocean_127 like topic of Jinx

I’m not even reading this story I’m just here for the drama