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Tash created a topic of False Memories (Lee Gpiee)

Me in almost every chapter: SAVE HIM
Tbh I forgot my emotions um Suh-hoo is cool I'd actually like him to be with purple hair guy but the guy took it too far so I just like the characters and the couple I would've pissed if he didn't got back his memory back cuz it'd be messed up if he lies to him forever so I'm glad everything worked out and I'm glad I read it the lady who was working for Hyung is sweet I mean she's not that bad if she did anything against the guy from the beginning it'd be useless she's in a life and death situation this maybe rude I think it's rude and offensive but I like Suh-hoo and thought he was gonna have a bf but he's straight anyways I actually thought pink hair guy was the bottom I actually don't know it looks like Wan is bottom tho maybe switch but About Hyung he pushed Wan off the balcony he couldn't died and Wan nearly got raped and he tried to rape his own brother how is he not in jail but I bet if a man stole a chocolate he'd be jail (not a fact) but c'mon how? What if he does the same thing again I usually think the bad guys are hot and all but as it started from rape that guy is a no jail says yes I just enjoyed it(if it sounds offensive tell me) not saying Suh-hoo should change his sexuality just meant I shipped the guy with purple hairs dude but then he turns out to be straight and the guy turns out to be evil

Tash created a topic of ANTI P.T.
Tash created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

The fact he called out Inseo lol nice anyways boss you fucking messed up idrc if u got together with him or not but I liked you and you let me down c'mon now everyone gonna hate you that was wrong but at least you stopped goddamn you bastard you're still hot but ppl gonna kill me for liking the bad characters so imma have to let u go cuz I'm afraid of people getting angry over my opinion then attack mr â•„ïčâ•„(He's hot sorry I can't let go of this one) don't make the bad characters good looking so much just look at him so perfect and all

Tash created a topic of Adulthood
Tash created a topic of Taming the Tiger

Yeah he is u surprised? Tbh I don't know but I get the feeling that imma hate the uke sorry the seme caught my eyes wow damn for a tiger he looking fine

Tash created a topic of 19 Days

Lmao I thought he was crying cuz of Lil Mo lmao these chapters are short but I like em

Tash created a topic of Gorani Jeon

Omg I love this so much they had a cute girl and the time where Ran idk how to say this but he threw Bau outside with his dick idk what happened but damn I thought someone was gonna see them I can't with this the fact that it's incomplete,
Um a message to the uploader who said it was their first time I can't translate so idk as long as it makes sense ish anyways some panels look pixeled I'm not hating but I'm just reminding you that some didn't come out well (please don't take this as a hate comment)

Tash created a topic of Love Tractor

Yay MY 60 INCH TV IS OKAY NOW AND THAT PALE DUDE (sorry I forgot their names sorry if I offended anyone if you'd like me to change it just tell me their names and I'll do it)

Tash created a topic of Full volume

Okay the elevator part scared me I thought it was gonna be some evil guy lol don't make that face stop scaring Beom

Tash created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Lezhin my ass imma find a new manga I can't believe y'all keep doing this why ask the author for permission it's literally an illegal website they trynna make money and when they find out y'all uploading on an illegal site and they can't make money ofc they won't say yes I actually loved this manga not all of us are fucking rich tbh I'm sad but I have no where to talk because it's disrespectful to the author I ain't viewing shit (sorry for my rude ass I'm just sad yeah I don't have to talk like that but c'mon y'all could've done better) No way this is done for well it wasn't really exciting ig god y'all cannot stfu if Lezhin wasn't expensive I wouldn't be here support author my ass it'd take years for me to finish reading on Lezhin well it was great while it lasted let me reread the notice and how they practically asked the author I do expect to get hate from saying this as they say “if you said what's on your mind you'll get hated” but it's the truth hate all you want it won't really matter tho yeah it's offensive ik and sorry but cmon

Tash created a topic of Kill Switch

Lmao idrc about their relationship but motorcycle girl damn I like how she rejects people red hair girl and short purple hair girl idk her name the girl who said something like “no one can come between their relationship” seems like their relationship would be good but the girl is in it for the money she's a GOOOLD DIGGER

Manga go making me happy today most of my favourite mangas got uploaded

Tash created a topic of Bitten By Moonlight

The butler is so cute

Tash created a topic of I'll Make You a Sex Addict

The tags has rape in it is there any straight manga that doesn't contain rape no I didn't read it i skipped to the end after chapter 3 and it's sickening that the girl liked it oh well I got nth to say I thought it was gonna be like she got raped they save her the guy go to jail she fins a guy and turns out to be the guy that raped her she escapes and then gets married to some mafia leader and boom the end

Tash created a topic of Dear Ear

How I wanted more no way the sex tho um since he hasn't done it in a while (not sure what the meaning) and no lube no condoms and um he just fucked him not even slowly literally um that's painful asf

Tash created a topic of Yarichin DJ Virgin Night

Wooooow this was good ummmmm this is hot

Tash created a topic of Spear of Purgatorium Webtoon

Is this the one where he's a bitch to his sister and chooses her fiance who he doesn't know (I fucking hate this one) or the one where the seme shoved a cherry up his ass not sure but if it's the first one idk why I got notified cuz I damn well hate this I hope he gets raped and thrown away in the garbage anyways i got spoiled and I'm happy for the sister I wanted the mc to get tortured why because he literally got mad at his sister and jumped to conclusions not even knowing the man serves him right tho in the end he's kinda good although I hate that bitch at this point I just hate the mc from the beginning /TДT)/

Tash created a topic of MOM CAFE (COLOUR),(ENGLISH)

Well straight mangas are like this it's either the girl or the guy in the first place if she videos it and then threatens me I'd simply go to my husband and tell him what happened and then end of the story so if she gets pregnant she's done for and she practically got raped but I'm not sure the guys knew that it was the pill that made her like that but if hey knew then yeah rape anyways um I fucking hate straight mangas can't there be one without messed up shit you have a husband and a child if she didn't have a child it'd be okay to cheat cuz she can break up with the dude and then get on to find another guy but having a child and cheating is not ok I'm not overreacting this manga just sucks and then you have hoes sleeping with many men not thinking

Tash created a topic of Mob For Jack

Istg I didn't read the tags or something like that I just pressed start read cuz the title looked like some facility and shit I thought it's going to be about action oh Lord and the father that had sex with him and the men that raped him wtf I found this in a manga recommendation they said nothing about rape and the fact hat they blackmailed him if I were him and he showed me the pictures I could care less I'd leave that place ofc #1 most ppl masturbate on camera and stuff but why do it in a bathroom wouldn't make a difference why would you have sex with the guy and make the situation worse can't u run away and wtf is with the 5stars tf wrong with y'all I'm disgusted I'm against rape I didn't think this was gonna have rape most rape mangas I've seen are straight not saying it doesn't happen to guys but wtf and it ended like that I feel like shit for reading this y'all lucky this shit ain't real I feel like I'm gonna cry or I'm just probably sick why would someone make this how did I reach here I didn't search gangbang I simply searched “Buff uke and dark skin buff ukes”