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idkdik created a topic of Waterside Night

DONT LET THAT BITCH GET TO UR HEAD MC taeju loves u shes just bitter (shes hot tho so forgiven) also...istg if there is gonna be sa next chapter im gonna throw up please

idkdik created a topic of Crucial Point

okay i feel bad for jiho and mc needs to get his grades up and then get that dick. Im sorry this is fiction but still u gotta study anywho i hope ml makes him get good grades then fuck (lmao)

idkdik created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

okay fuck vercion is looking too damn fine these late chapters...oh my dont get me wrong im not rooting for him CUZ HE RAPED MC SO MANY TIMES? maybe he means well deep inside but what he did is unforgivable Also so now when mc wants to fuck cuz hes traumatized, he gets a sudden realization that sunwon is scare of him? where are u albis my beloved

idkdik created a topic of Spilled Blood

okay i just came here from twitter and tell me why did i see a pic of a kid and a man together and the next pic was of them fucking as adults uh?????

idkdik created a topic of Form of Broken Love

u know what? now that ive re read chapter 55 again i think i can work with this? if yoonho and gyeol are going to be sex partners for sooyeon and thats it? sure so be it. Atp im not expecting romance between anyone. Im just gonna see how it goes

idkdik created a topic of Form of Broken Love

anyways. I just cant. What the fuck. I really really thought it was gonna get better when they hugged and started confessing and apologizing. But nah it seems as if yoonho has been completely overtook by gyeol. Now that i read this chapter, it feeks like gyeol is mentoring yoonho to be a suitable master to sooyeon? like it genuinely feels that way... please let next chapter NOT be sex

idkdik created a topic of Form of Broken Love

Okay chapter 55 is out and this is what happened. So we left off chapter 54 with yoonho and sooyeon preparing to fuck in front of gyeol. This chapter starts off with gyeol watching yoonho fuck the shit out of sooyeon while saying "haha! Look at these bastards mating" and we see yoonho fucking sooyeon like really fucking while having a gag on his mouth. Yoonho cums in his ass and doesn't take it out but keeps fucking while saying "dirty...filthy" then grabs his face from behind and says "who are you thinking about rn?" Then "is it me? Choi gyeol? Or haha no someone else" (oof) and this is all happening while yoonho is like thrusting af and sooyeon tries to get some words out like " u mean by that" and then yoonho thrusts like super hard MIND U this is all happening while sooyeon isn't breathing because of yoonho's hand on his mouth then yoonho says " i though sooyeon thought of me as special...haha i was mistaken" and sooyeon is trying to say " out of breath" but he doesnt keeps thrusting on top of him then says " i thought you loved me. But u just needed someone to strangle and slap you" and we see their faces; yoonho angry af flushing and sooyeon crying af and flushing. Yoonho then flips sooyeon over (now he can breathe) and then raises his hand and says "ill do whatever you want" and slaps sooyeon in the face LIKE 3 TIMES? maybe more and then puts his hands on his neck while still fucking him and saying "Why aren't you smiling? Not enough? Will it make it hurt more" and starts strangling sooyeon and he gets dizzy while yoonho says "You love me enough to throw me away. I'm doing the best I can, but you're not even grateful." And sooyeon says while choking "thank you" and then we see gyeol watching and drinking water while sooyeon is saying " even to dirt like me you are very kind," (not very clear cuz hes choking?) Yoonho raises his hand and slaps him in the face again and this time he bleeds and sooyeon says " thank you for hitting me" yoonho then blinks and kind of realize what hes doing then gyeol pulls his hair from behind and says " dont stop its no fun..." then pulls yoonho on his back and brings sooyeon over him and says "sooyeon still needs to make u cum one more time" and sooyeon says " what are you doing" then he shoves sooyeon's ass on yoonho's cock and says "its okay just sit down. " yoonho says "i dont like this" then starts stuttering " i- mr" and then gyeol is telling sooyeon to turn his back well and sooyeon is moaning calling yoonho's name. And gyeol says " dont fool me? (Not sure) hahaha have u two been playing house until now?" And starts talking to sooyeon in his ear "I guess I'll have to teach again. You should use your waist like this" then we see yoonho's face looking lifeless and crying and gyeol says "its cute " probably about sooyeon struggling to ride yoonho. Then we see sooyeon cumming from yoonho and moaning while saying his name. THEN inner monologue of yoonho starts "I shouldn't have met you... i shouldn't believe you" while huggin each other btw looking like LOVERS...then final inner thought was "I shouldn't love you" and he licks sooyeon's blood and says while crying " i really loved you sooyeon" and sooyeon is crying too (BTW THIS WAS A BEAUTIFULLY DRAWN SCENE I CANT) and sooyeon says " yoonho i love you really sorry". Oh u think this is the end?? I really thought it was gonna be all rainbow and sparkles from here. We thought wrong. After sharing a long kiss, yoonho throws sooyeon to the floor and we see gyeol and yoonho sitting on the bed and yoonho says "Now you're saying you're sorry" and close up of yoonho's face, dry, and says "call me master, sooyeon" we then see sooyeon on his knees with two massive cocks next to him and him saying "master, i was wrong...i thought you would forgive me if i apologized..." and then yoonho shoves his dick in his mouth and says " shut up and ask for you dick" and gyeol says "does it feel good to cry and suck hard" and brings his cock next to sooyeon's mouth and says " hmm? Sooyeon." Sooyeon grabs their dicks and puts them next to his face while crying and smiling and says "yes im happy" oh this boy needs therapy and gyeol says " *im happy*? You cant even recognize your master" we see sooyeon trying to suck both their cocks and gyeol says " hmm two doesn't seem to fit in your mouth " he starts sucking gyeol's cock and gyeol says " hmm how about below" while smiling. End of the chapter. Istg if next chapter is also sex im gonna drop i cant i need dialogue

idkdik created a topic of Flip the script

fuck if the incident turns out to be what i think its gonna gonna burn my eyes

idkdik created a topic of Backlight

ugh i hate ml. I never thought i would hate a male lead in all the manhwas ive read but this guy is literally so unlikable? like mc literally ran away from home because of his father's debt and was hustling with gangster guy and now hes here insulting gangster hottie in front of him? Im not even rooting for the gangster guy but atp ml needs a whooping

idkdik created a topic of Slammer Dogs

damn this is getting complicated and more fucked up than it already is...i feel bad for grey head and for mc. As for brown head, he needs a beating im still not over the fact he punched mc cuz mc was literally worrying about him

idkdik created a topic of Touch Up
idkdik created a topic of Steel Under Silk

oof i love them both and i really want them to have a happy ending but i dont think thats gonna be the case...i dont see how mc will every forget or forgive what ml did to his family (even if he didn't do it out of grudge and was just following orders)...either hes gonna kill him and ml will let him do it or unexpected happy ending so we'll see

idkdik created a topic of Form of Broken Love

okay... new chapter dropped (still no raws tho) but based on the twitter pic...sooyeon is literally bleeding from his nose AND mouth AND has a huge red mark on his cheek and warning for violence/bloodshed/ntr/3p...why are we tortuing ourselves what the fuck

idkdik created a topic of Bird Cage

okay ! ngl i am happy with the ending OKAY HEAR ME OUT THO yes their relationship was literally built on abuse and manipulation and possession (God this sounds horrible af) BUT at least Jeremy became aware of that and was able to let go of mc to let him find himself alone. Would that have been better from the start? Definitely. Now i do feel sad for the 2nd ml but it was obvious he wasnt gonna be endgame for the sole reason that author-nim simply did not care for him? every scene and i mean EVERY where mc and 2nd ml were both alone in was cut and we couldn't see anything between them. But anywho im happy with this outcome!

a bit too late on the safe word but ig its cool now that they've established it...not that i think uke will ever use it considering how kinky he is lmao

idkdik created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

now this is a good side story (fuck u first side story)

idkdik created a topic of Midnight Dweller

"Hes actually quite cute" OF COURSE HE IS LOOK AT HIS PARENTS omg i love the baby so much so fucking cute i cant

idkdik created a topic of Mary Jane

oh hes fine af....but please. Dont sa mc...ur hot dont dont dont zo it

idkdik created a topic of Into The Thrill

okay im not gonna lie the "ill buy you bread" part was cute af had me giggling and kicking my feet...well right off the bat mc isn't acting this wat with his other sneaky links and is more nervous around ml. I also liked how ml listened to mc and didn't touch him. Do i think ml is bad? Yea he probably is. Is he good rn ? yea FOR NOW BUT HES STILL A RED FLAG

idkdik created a topic of Unfinished Business

yea ml is an asshole he literally could have ended this the moment he met mc if he just told him "hey uh its me mido remember abonding me?" And he could have explained but nooo we gotta put rape! Anywho i forgot about the hot gangster wonder if hes gonna do something to hyeon.