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idkdik created a topic of Backlight

"You were sleeping so i left.Bye." i giggled ngl LMAO but okay so mc ran away from home why would ml wanna hurt him? isnt it his choice that he decided to get away from a toxic environment ? Sure he could have said smthg to him but ml wouldnt have approved. Anywho, i need the 2nd ml so bad...fuck

idkdik created a topic of Slammer Dogs

one thing about the story is the art is absolutely hot af like okay the story is obviously not gonna be lovey dovey since its in jail but still so far im enjoying it...dare i say im rooting for ponytail guy...but still the other brother is so cute u felt bad for him. But then i remember that they are all in jaik rightfully so

idkdik created a topic of Form of Broken Love

NOW as for my opinion on chapter 50; honestly i kinda liked this chapter cuz they kinda opened up to each other (not completely tho) but seeing hiw desperate yoonho was to stay in a relationship with sooyeon made me both sad for him and MAD at him...i really dont know what to say i just want to see the end atp

idkdik created a topic of Form of Broken Love

okay read the raws for chapter 50 (newest chapter) and this is the translation; basically starts off with yoonho asking sooyeon (?)(forgot his name lol) how he did it with gyeol. Sooyeon gets kinda mad and tells him "why are u asking that?" "Do u wanna shame me" and "isnt it right we should break up?" And yoonho beeing the sweetest person ever tells him no and that he just wants to know...(YOONHO U DESERVE BETTER) then he asked him if gyeol was his first and how they first met (gyeol and sooyeon) and then sooyeon says "i begged for this relationship and that he never had sex before it" (this part is kinda weird tbh) and he says to not be kind to him to which yoonho responds "i wish i had done more and if it was good" then asks him if he can take off his clothes. The bruise that gyeol made on sooyeon was shown and yoonho presses on it gently then asks him with what he was hit (he says a fist) and then basically a whole part where yoonho touches a part of sooyeon's body and asks him what gyeol did to him here and there while sooyeon is responding (this made me so mad...) then he starts licking his tits lol then asks him to open his legs after removing his pants. Then yoonho says "i have the right to know as your your owner" (pardon me sir u need to leave him???) Then sooyeon spreads his legs revealing well everything...yoonho presses on a naughty places and says "its swollen here, how many times did u do it" sooyeon responds "i dont know i fainted while doing it" then yoonho starts applying medicine to sooyeon's *asshole* (well actually hes just fingering him and dirty talking with him) then says "i really wanna fuck you--and he kept saying some unhinged shit of what he wants to do to sooyeon" but says " but i won't do that" AND THEN U KNOW WHAT HE SAID? m so shocked "i think its really crazy how you and I are getting horny and excited hearing about your cheating" (atp i can not keep defending you yoonho...) then sooyeon hugs him...after that they are back again to their inital postions (both layung on bed) they exchange some words between them "is it okay to hit your face" " i like getting hit" and stuff like that then they stop talking and we see yoonho's inner thoughts as hes watching sooyeon's back..."he looks so lonely even more than before we met" " is this weird thing between us even love?" And yoonhi starts to cry...CHAPTER ENDS

idkdik created a topic of Profundis needed to happen he was beyond saving m surprised he lasted this long...i do feel sad for mc and kitty guy why do u go from sweet and nice to a complete bitch towards mc?? He was my first choice until he began doing bad stuff to mc. But anyways plot wise this is really good the only lacking thing is the romance pacing.

idkdik created a topic of Bird Cage

so that guy ISNT daniel i knew it he looked old and wrinkly whew at least daniel isnt a psycho gay orgy fanatic (YET?) also what do they have so much against mc? The guy is just mindung his business 99% of fhe time...jeremy go save him

aaaa i love them both so much real childhood sweethearts now we just need the empress to die as for the emperor...banish him for ugnoring mc

ugh if only he wasnt so fucking hot i would curse him out for being so mean to mc but the mf is fine ash...dare i say i wanna be in-seob- NO ml needs to treat mc with care and listen when he says to stop. Woo-yeon u fine mf

idkdik created a topic of Instant Family

"When have i ever used you" EXCUSE U??? the audacity after what he made mc do cuz of his father being hospitalized ?? i am actually disgusted he can die honestly

oop- i never thought that consential non-loving sex would be this HOT...enemies to lovers kinda?? IM HERE FOR IT...and i need the end to be them 2 in love yet still wild

idkdik created a topic of Toxin

AAAAAA THIS IS SO GOOD?! th art and the historical placing?! Ik its a korean manhwa but it is inspired by chinese culture i think and its sucha beautiful mix. Okay back to the story; so his majesty (what a fine ass man but sadly a psycho) is really a villain huh like there is no way this man is kind or misunderstood...if only u didnt sa mc and mistreated him u woulr be hotter (also the "slap" writings is kinda off i think cuz when he shoved mc to the wall its more of a slam it kinda made it look like he slapped him but he didnt) ALSO mc u will be such a badass if u actually manage to kill or hurt ml im rooting for him (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ as for ml's half brother...just stay a green flag honestly dont turn into a rapist suddenly

idkdik created a topic of Dark Fall

okay okay we getting some lore after smut (which i dont mind cuz i accepted the fact that this is what it is) so nergal just killed a "deity" and their dimension just like that...okay and he hated leon at first cuz he destroyed stuff from his dimension i suppose...I NEED TO SEE HOW LEON BECAME THIS BADASS BITCH probably thanks to cliff's training anywho nergal if u really loved mc u wouldnt have raped him and let ur other "mates" rape him...but we'll see im waiting for cliff

idkdik created a topic of Arthur

So do u LOVE mc or not? m confused u think the only things and feelings u can give mc are pain and misery but cant u already see that u being there with mc brings him postive and warm emotions ? I need ml to love mc

idkdik created a topic of 2020

damn so are they bad guys or not...well ml is sweet af to mc so I dont really think hes a bad guy BUT we all saw that girl that came with him on the bike WHERE IS SHE?

idkdik created a topic of Midnight Dweller

damn so mc knows the baby is gonna RIP OUT HIS BELLY TO GET OUT?? is there any alternative other than aborting the baby? we'll see

idkdik created a topic of Unfinished Business

hmm...okay so ml thought he was abandoned by mc and he went through hell on the streets (rapes probably...) and ig he became an alpha through surgery and now he wanna see mc basically a huge misunderstanding that can be resolved with just a reveal and clearing stuff up. Also the beta dude is super chill (sure he was okay with mido kidnapping mc but he grew on me ngl). Its interesting to see how the author showed what happens to omegas in this world cuz its similar to whats happening to women in reality and it's sad to see :/

idkdik created a topic of Kabukicho Cat Honey


idkdik created a topic of Love Sick Dog

fuck the art is so beautiful and feels so nostalgic and sad...its like something from our distant memories and we know its sad...WHAT THE FUCK

idkdik created a topic of Midnight Dweller

aaaaa this is making it hard for me whos in the right and whos in the wrong...ML HOW DO U GET SOMEONE PREGNANT WITHOUT KNOWING THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES? now mc is a mother (at heart) and he aint letting anyone get his baby

idkdik created a topic of Gig of the Day

ugh i feel bad for yeomin yea hes happy and he knows what he wants BUT hes literally being taken advantage of...idk how ml feels really but based on his inner thoughts he sees him just as someone he goes to for sex...i hope he sees him in a different light asap