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Ankh created a topic of Utsukushii Tamashii

This is some deep shit. Dark and emotive. Love love love. Thanks for updating

Ankh created a topic of Love Me Doctor!

Both couples are cute!

Ankh created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

'why are you being so sweet to me?', wtf man, he's raping you. I'm not liking where this story is going at all!!! Technically, this is the second time here being raped. This is f**ed up. For kids white out there reading, this is rape folks!!! No matter what the intention. Some of these authors need to be schooled what message they spread. So irresponsible! Grrrrrr

Ankh created a topic of Beatrice

It's good that he's reflecting. He still shouldn't have kissed her without permission. It was a nice kids but it's good he's repenting. And it's good Chloe is keeping her distance. She needs to find her real place in society first. Would be super boring if they just got together now. More development is needed on both sides!

Ankh created a topic of King's Maker

Pregnant Shin will be hilarious to watch.

Ankh created a topic of Tendou-ke Monogatari

Ran is a charming character and inherently strong but b is time to progress and develop her. Her naivete is no longer cute but rather silly and irritating. She needs to grow in style way and become an adult to make better decisions for herself. She's too innocent for the ML and no longer in a good way. It's a jaded world they live in and she needs to grow up to become a proper woman. That is also when she'll gain the extra strength and superiority.

Ankh created a topic of Usagi no Mori

I just need to get my head around this correctly. So Tamaki's mother's looseness has caused Tamaki drama.... Not that she tried to sleep with her own son!? Too many icky adults around then. Adults are definitely the cause of all issues in kids. Tamaki needs a therapist... This story is dark but super interesting. I just hope forced sex is not going to be part of the therapy.

Ankh created a topic of Thirst

Wait, so Ethan gave him some of his blood in his mouth and Tristan is bound to him now??

Ankh created a topic of Ogus's Law

A more mature version of this manhua would've been gold!

Ankh created a topic of Under the Green Light

Good boy falling in love with bad boy. Tsk tsk

Ankh created a topic of A Painter Behind the Curtain

He still kept on calling him Mr Reymond to the very end ... Ugh....
And yes, we all know Reymond never changed... Just his goal did.... It's great that at least he recognised the truth of his dark psyche. Possession for money, or for validation or for a person is still possession! I'm glad at least Raymond wasn't portrayed as a truly changed man, but that wasn't the premise of the story.... I think Ian's happiness was... So no short sticks.

Ankh created a topic of A Painter Behind the Curtain

You're still my fave Henry!! Nothing's gonna change that!!!

Ankh created a topic of Thirst

Ugh, they get on well like a wooden house on fire!

Ankh created a topic of Big Apple

Pfff.... Could he look any more unconvincing?!

Ankh created a topic of Azumi

I know where you're going with that... And it's an option ... But for some reason I feel that it's not gaining love that will make her human.... It's losing love... And I want her to to become human at the end way more than I want her to just fall in love. Her story doesn't strike me as a normal romance. Tragedy is a more fitting path

Ankh created a topic of Thirst

I've never wanted a fictitious char in real life from any comics. But Ethan????? Why the hell's he soooooooooo...... Desirable????

Ankh created a topic of Ogus's Law

Who was complaining????? Please don't stop uploading. Thanks so much for the upload

Ankh created a topic of Under the Green Light

Wow what visuals. Art is amazing.

Ankh created a topic of Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai

D has had to go through this transformation in his psyche to connect with Y. There's no other way. It's not that D needs to catch up to Y. Rather, he needs to surpass him so Y can fully rely on him. Remember Y has had a very traumatic past and the walls around his heart are iron clad and his respect for himself are non existent. He also doesn't really have much respect for anything or anyone. D will probably have to dominate him initially a bit so he comes around. To earn Ys respect and let him open his heart. Don't worry folks, By the time they get together we are all going to be old and wrinkly. Not that there's anything won't with that. Patience is virtue.

Ankh created a topic of Neko x Neko

Ooh, I'll miss them