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Jœjœ created a topic of Miss Not-So Sidekick

I read this so many times already lmao
I guess my major issues lie within the romance. The characters have chemistry, it's not a problem on that part (though she did have more with Kenny at the start, I'm still living for their friendship). It's more about the way it was written, like, instead of giving us 10 chapters of the MC running away from a gang, or the dumb lazy epilogues, getting more into the developpement of their romance would have been much more interesting.
I disagree with the people who say that she only ended with Arwin because he was the one who made a move on her. It was explicitely stated that she liked him the most while reading the novel. Although the other two were so very handsome and would joke around or have wholesome moments with her, she never reacted the way she did for Arwin (blushing). I don't think that this attraction came from Arwin making moves on her, but more because Arwin was not interested in Ibelin, so she stopped seeing him as a novel character meanwhile she still saw the other two as Ibelin's fish.
Anyways, although I would have liked to see more of the actual "romance", this is still very entertaining.
Latte is an especially well written female character. I especially love the fact that not once is she presented as "not like other girls" or even called so by the male lead. She's funny, witty, smart, lovely. She doesn't excel in every aspect of her life, she doesn't attract every male character that sees her. She's a breath of fresh air. Most FLs are actually closer to Ibelin (Attracting everyone, directly stated as not like other girls, excelling in many things, having that "boys be loving me girls be hating me" persona...), so it was good to see that type of chatacter get shattered by someone much more geniuine.

My actual big issue was with the shift of the artstyle especially concerning Arwin. His best panel was for me the one in the festival where Latte hugs him. He looks tall, his shoulders look broad, he looks handsome. After that chapter he looks somewhere between a twink and a lesbian, which I guess isn't a bad thing, but I would have loved if the author had kept that "manly" design instead of making him look so effeminate. In most of the later panels he looks like a child...