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Jœjœ's feed

Jœjœ created a topic of Truth or Dare

Not only the story is good, but the characters are also very well written. Such an interesing world to explore. Really, really liked this. The dialogue between the MCs was especially good, even at the start of their relationship. Great twist. Great art. There really isn't any flaw.

Though I feel like the "lie" ability wasn't completely explored or well used. If someone is a "False" even simple affirmations can't be said, so how did Jinsol even have a social/school life? If the teachers ask them If they cheated on the exam, he would have to either cheat at every exam to be able to answer "No" or get caught without cheating, and other stuff like that. Living as a "false" would be pretty much impossible. So some of the dialogue doesn't make sense considering Jinsol, and later MC were "False", but I guess that writing an authentic false wouldn't have been exploitable in a story (imagine the chaos of the dialogue lol).