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Erwins Arm answered question about liked someone i shouldn't like
Practice Cold War exam qs if ur doing edexecel exam board it definitely strays away from the other papers and definitely the hardest, know your Khrushchevs and kenndys!!! . I know you’re struggling with lang and lit so I’d advise you to use a structure especially with lang paper 2 and memorise language/structural techniques since it’s all abo......
Erwins Arm created a topic of Homeless/No Home
Erwins Arm created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I love the crispy line work in this Manwha

Erwins Arm created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Do people really think this way

Erwins Arm created a topic of Nerd Project

There is literal crack laced in this Manwha

Erwins Arm shared experience about question
Whenever I pick up my Apple Pencil I always wonder on this site whenever I need to study like I have a primal urge to read some reincarnation villainess Manwha that I’ve forgotten about and was probably bad
Erwins Arm created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

? Aren’t there more chaps out still

Erwins Arm created a topic of Homeless/No Home

Why does his dad look so uncanny

Erwins Arm created a topic of Ruri Dragon

The teacher with the glasses is hot

Erwins Arm created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

We barely get a pov for tak for us to sympathise with him feel like author should have put in his thoughts more often not just spring this on to us now when we know he’s a dh

Erwins Arm created a topic of Homeless/No Home

My poor boy has clothes now

Guys im at the beginningish does she clean her bloodstained sheets yet

Erwins Arm created a topic of Liebling!

Never thought to see the day when reinhart from ow get his own bl Manwha

Erwins Arm created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

How do you guys actually get chapters past 98 pls tell me I’m so confused

Erwins Arm created a topic of Jinx
Erwins Arm answered question about question
A strong female character doesn’t have to be physically or complex imo, she has to stand out through the story in some way so they have to be strong in the storytelling aspect for example, in a inspector calls, we see Eva Smith as a strong female character even though we don’t see her at all however her character is the most strong in promoting......
Erwins Arm created a topic of Backlight
Erwins Arm asked a question

Can anyone remind me of the Manwha with a black hair green eyed fl and brown haired male lead I’m pretty sure it was a transmigration story and she tried killing herself to get out

Erwins Arm created a topic of Gig of the Day

Yeaaaahhh just throwing stuff at people ???