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Erwins Arm shared experience about question
is there a gl that has someone like her in it :) I’m in awe
Erwins Arm asked question about question

I learnt to make tanghulu and it’s the best thing I’ve learnt it’s so easy and I usually dislike strawberry’s since they’re kinda disgusting in the UK but I can eat them even though I’ll probably die in the next 10 years from high sugar intake my fave tanghulu is hard grapes and and dragonfruit even though it actually tastes like nothin......

Erwins Arm asked question about question

Currently mine is kisaki from tr i even chuckled abit

Erwins Arm answered question about question
Intellectually challenged tops just a dumb dummy fr
Erwins Arm answered question about learn a new skill
I only have one I just use the history option to read my manwhas for some reason I hate opening more than one tab
Erwins Arm answered question about question
Skyrim took me years I shit u not went on and off it and I had to start again when I got a ps4 cause I couldn’t transfer my saves from xbox360 to ps4 :( though the fastest games I’ve beaten were Diablo 3 and uncharted 4 which are my favourite games oat :)
Erwins Arm created a topic of Jinx

A tie? He didn’t even fucking lose??? Disappointed

Erwins Arm asked question about question

What do you do that actually gives u no spots

Erwins Arm created a topic of Gig of the Day

Is the thing on his cheek like a dimple thing?

Erwins Arm answered question about my favorite food
Erwins Arm created a topic of Backlight
Erwins Arm created a topic of Homeless/No Home
Erwins Arm created a topic of Homeless/No Home

If I wasn’t on a phone plan I’d actually throw my phone across the room

Erwins Arm asked question about question

What’s some scenes in Manwha/manga that literally made your jaw drop like an audible gasp came out

Erwins Arm answered question about question
If I could I would beat the shit out of my self for picking sociology for alevels never in my life have I been happy to go to a sociology lesson. I actually don’t know what I’m going to do with an sociology alevel
Erwins Arm shared experience about question
do you see the correlation
Erwins Arm asked question about question

What are some characters that you think would benefit from boxing lessons so that they can stop forcing themselves to be civil give 2 piece combos to everyone in their way Honestly I think athy from wmmap could absolutely box ts out of anyone that’s jus me tho

Erwins Arm created a topic of Lost in the Cloud