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ginaddict created a topic of Half of Me

HeeChan, HeeChan, HeeChan…your man is the top honcho thats why even the father is nervous around him…oh you adorable you.

ginaddict created a topic of Someone Like You

gods i feel so happy seeing them more relaxed and happy. listening to them talk. it makes me giddy. i wish shinwoo all the happiness in life with han.

ginaddict created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

everyone calm down! he’s fine. He’s FINE! my source is my own delusion to protect my sanity and my faith to this author that they would not inflict that much hurt on JaeIn again hu hu

hes just gonna end up feeding everyone. maybe he landed there bec all the creatures in 99th level are starving

ginaddict created a topic of Gig of the Day

“I like them easy” oh famous last words. I cannot wait for him to find out how “easy” it all gonna be. I almost pity him. Almost bec I know he’s gonna be a whole jerk about it before he redeems himself.

ginaddict created a topic of Eleceed

They fooled another one! Giving their force control on JiWoo without much persuasion, its almost criminal. He he

Obo is growing up, experiencing both the beauty and ugliness of life. No matter we hope its only beauty he sees, thats impossible. He will carry this moment for a long long time, maybe even the rest of his life. I’ll be rooting for him.

Its a nice feeling to be appreciated. I understand Perez. Girl, you dedicated a room for all his gifts…even I would be prompted to add to that collection he he

I may not be sure who the ML is but I just want Benjamin and his mother to be found by Elisa and be safe. Leon needs to see his little brother.

ginaddict created a topic of HUNTER WORLD'S GARDENER

Im a simple girl. I see AkumaKira uploading and I would read it. No hesitation at all. He he

ginaddict created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Get me my gun (I don’t own a gun and also dont know how to shoot one but still)!!!

Imma shoot that mf myself T T

ginaddict created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

My eyes just turned to hearts everytime 002 appears. Its like instinct idk

ginaddict created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Istg I will help JaeHee catch all of you.

ginaddict created a topic of 19 Days

With confettis!! OA!!! I love it he he

ginaddict created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

Okay, thats a wrap, right? When’s the side stories?

Pls…they are happy. Let them just be happy

ginaddict created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

LOL, they did not know they are about to smack straight to a wall, Song JaeHee, before they come close enough to be part of DoJun’s life.

ginaddict created a topic of Half of Me

pls…will he be the third party to heechan and minjae? goodness…taekin wake up! you are missing some juicy plots! OMG!

ginaddict created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Kill Yoo TaeHyuk and bolster the nation…whag a joke.

More like kill Yoo TaeHyuk and watch your nation burn under a grieving dragon.

Dracarys them to death, Un. I’ll get my pompoms ready.

Am I about to see Song Bear unraveled? I admit, I wanna see him rampage. Stop hibernating and show me that power Song Bear!

ginaddict created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Thank you so much uploader. I truly miss this story. I’m ecstatic that its here again