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drat created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Don't let other people's desire to trample upon your hardwork ever get you down. You have given us so much joy with the high quality scans you upload. I will stay loyal forever

Dude would rather live for and watch romantic drama happen before him than experience it himself. I get him.

drat created a topic of The Deputy Wants To Do It

Only way to write such an insane an nonsensical hyperonline trope lmao this was so sweet. I hate omegaverses usually but this one does shit right.

drat created a topic of Nengan no Akuyaku Reijou

But the brave thing to do here is to write it into a comedy-fantasy GL romance.
Edit: no way they danced together while the cat said 'flowers are blooming (euphemism)' no way this isn't a GL or atleast centered focus on the girls alone.

I love the bingus memes. It's okay uploaders, you're the one being generous and offering us the story out of your precious time, so all is forgiven.

drat created a topic of Nerd Project

Bro we know what you are. Kissing willingly every chance you get isn't practice bro.

drat created a topic of The Deputy Wants To Do It

With the way he's asserting bongsoo is his so adamantly. He's saying back off bitch, this man is mine. I like this side of Mr. Yoo.

You may have a bestseller, but our gag manga has NO ETHICS!!
Absolutely crying laughing at this.

drat created a topic of Hanakoi Tsurane

I weep into my hands. This man has already made the choice to sacrifice his love for duty and simply doesn't want his grandchild to have to do the same, no matter what the consequence of that would be. I respect him, he's already given up on his love despite clinging to it for all these years.

drat created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

Deserves better, but I'm sad we'll never see him attain that happiness (unless the artist wants to continue this story in another work). I wish his fictional self well, he deserves to be with someone emotionally available and actually loving.

drat created a topic of Nerd Project

So sad men are not real bc this work is insanely beautiful

Of killing the silly little mage with a sword like fuck your magic meet my fucking blade

drat created a topic of Limited Run

Just keeps getting better and better this shit is just *chefs kiss* absolutely stunning, the scenes in the rain are so reminiscent of dramas.

drat created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Mimicking klimt's the kiss now that's ROMANCE baby!!

Characters have a spine and draw clear boundaries. This manga seems so promising.

drat created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

He's already in love with you bud so there will be no issue.

Not since his preteen but now that he's 'developing' the kid not to mention he's straight up a high schooler still dude is a pedo through and through. Fuck if he thinks this is true love ew the guy stinks.

drat created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

But I'm so concerned about what he means by 'you're so fucked, seyeong' at the end of ch 41. Does he mean that about his unhealthy attachment towards him snowballing into something real or is he running a reverse scam on him but irl. Oof. I'm intrigued.