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So the fl has implied multiple times that she'll go back and the og renee will be back but wouldn't her becoming a swordsmaster and having a possible romance make it really difficult for the og renee to adapt to???

i kinda want him to do acting as well in the future

Everytime I read this it has me saying "is he mentally deranged...? Oh yeah he is"

Bro I lovvvveee rouche. He's one of those few emotionally intelligent and expressive people from the beginning. Love how he always communicates about everything with the fl

Ilovesufferring asked a question

gimme some good doomed yaoi

Ilovesufferring created a topic of PASSION

yes ilay go mark your omega

Man I feel so bad for both the doyoon's but atleast our mc got another chance. I hope doyoon ye got reincarnated in another world or somewhere he has a loving family

Ilovesufferring created a topic of Nerd Project

glad I'm chronically online so i was able to read both chapter 32 and 33 before they were deleted lol

Technically isn't the son of the real dead crown prince the strongest contender for the throne??? Doesn't his authority overtake the current emperor who took the throne from a coupe

Ilovesufferring created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Bro is a whole 24 year old and all he does is run away instead of thinking and talking about it when he encounters a problem

Ilovesufferring created a topic of To deny the route

bwahahaahaaaahhahah he lost all his body hair

tbh I honestly thought his best match was the guy transmigrated into the girl's body for a straight and just gen ending instead of hina because idk hina seems like such a bad match?!?!

minwoo is highkey so fiiiine. Look at his dimples bro

Can't bring myself to like tori at allll she gets on my last nerve from the beginning of the story

ilya please take the cutie pie awayyyy he's so traumatised