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Things I've noticed in bitch-bu, because a) im bored, b) its exceptionally good

1) The hilarious scene when the first-years are having a baking lesson, and jimmy borderline poisons Yuri with his pixelized cookies, the whole photography club is in the nurse's office, Yuri as usual says some gibberish, as Tamura is explaining what happened to yuri, to toono and yuu, i just noticed, Tamura senpai is able to understand everything Yuri says. Literally, its so funny. Yuri says, 'bu, bu, bu' and Tamu's able to translate that as hes telling them that he has gastro-intestinal symtoms. Thats literally the direct translation from yuris gibberish HOwwww??? theyve known each other for way too long. But how is he able to know the difference between 'bu, bu and bo' & 'bi, bo, bu'??? Mystery unsolved.

2) Yuu entered the photography club because of Yacchan. I was rereading the manga, and there was bit of backstory to yuu and yacchan, where yacchan gave yuu a toy camera, and thats how his obsession and love for taking pictures started. So, if yuu never discovered his love for cameras without yacchans toy camera present, he wouldnt have entered club, not met toono, and things wouldnt happen, dont know if toono would stay in the photography club if it wasnt for yuu, either, as he did help him come out of his comfort zone.

3)Another thing I noticed, after Toono and yacchan came back and was rescued in the trip, yacchan gets taken konno-sensei takes him to infirmary and patches his injuries and such, but yacchan doesnt tell the sensei that he had a huge graze on the side of his ribs, so he steals a compression pack with sensei looking. This is the part that gets me, Tamu finds him and starts teasing as usual, and after exposing his side injury and asks why didnt he tell anybody, Yacchan replies, ambigiously "I didnt want to make him worry"! He didnt want to make Toono worried and wanted to apppear all macho, which i thought was pretty cutee~~~

anyone else noticed something subtle that noone else commented?;)
2023-05-22 20:30 marked
Yacchan is one of the most well written teen characters in a bl. His feeling are so complex and realistic. He’s impulsive and the way he’s written fully encapsulates who he really is, he’s given a lot of internal monologue because he still has baggage, and nonetheless, his feelings a mystery and can be taken whoever direction you feel like.

Id like to have a mini discussion on Yacchan as a character, I can gush on him over and over if I had the time.
But I’d like to clear some things first, please chip in if you see fit :)
Yacchan feels he’s been in the shadow of Yuu all this time, because of that he felt the need to steal Toono from Yuu, after discovering that he got a crush on Toono (referring to when he’d take Toono to his dorm and make him sleep on the same bed, even tho he had an extra futon >o<),
Yacchan felt like he was having revenge on Yuu and gave him a bit of a thrill, because it was the first time he ‘rebelled’ and had the upper hand between himself and Yuu, because he’s always been in silent competition with him.

Now, his character: When Toono discovers his real character, in the panels he is shown irritated, after Toono reveals he still had feelings for him, despite him being mean to him during the trip, you can still gets a little angry, like why do you still like me? Even after I tried so hard to show you and only you, my true colour colours you still fall for me, he’s a lil angry. But to me it looks like he’s that tsundere angry, but angry at himself in a way. I feel like he felt that way because he only wanted to mess with Yuu a little bit, but now he’s in a predicament, that no matter what he does to ‘try’ and shake Toono off and test how far Toonos feelings are, he still likes him, no matter how much of his dark side he showed him.

He feels reluctant to take the next step to fully snatch Toono away, like how they were lying in the bed together, and Yacchan had the given opportunity to get close but he still didn’t. I feel like he felt guilty that he had the power to steal him from Yuu, and toy with Toonos feelings at the same time, after genuinely befriending him this time, after all they have a special relationship. If word gets out of Yacchans real self, he’s probably get ditched, so that’s why he feels reluctant to hurt Toono like this, even tho Toonos probably the only that accepted him, after being fake.
But I had a feeling that he lowkey likes being in Yuus shadow, you know that feeling when you feel like you have the power to surpass you rival, i feel like that’s what he felt. It’s thrilling, but doing something out out of spite doesn’t make you feel good, you want to remain in competition with them.

2. But I’m confused about is: has Yacchan fallen in love with Yuu? Because he’s claimed that’s who looked up to, I mean he erased his own personality to emulate Yuu, but has he fallen in love? He’s said he had respect for him and whatnot, and when he was seen blushing, we all know the reason, which must’ve been the most embarrassing moments, urghhh poor guy
So can someone properly explain if he genuinely has feelings for him or not? I know he has deep admiration for him, but does it go further than that?

2. Also, there’s also that scene. When that time that boy who molested Toono comes back for the second time, Yacchan saves him by saying in his head, that he planned to come and save him slowly like a knight, but sent him flying with a punch instead out of instinct. And he gets angry that Toono didn’t ask anybody for help, and he kept quiet about it. Did he angry because he knows Toono likes him, and he still didn’t call for him, like how you call the name of the person you like, in hopes they come running (I’m assuming that’s what he would’ve done if he was in Toonos place)? Or was he angry that he had to show his ugly side him to angry again. He blushes and there’s the panel where he’s so flustered to the point where he can’t even see that he isn’t even the baguette properly loool, was he embarrassed that he tried to be like Yuu so much, and Toono didn’t even get that impressed or anything. Or is he angry that he can’t bring himself to steal him away with being himself and tries so hard to emulate Yuu, but he fails, but is the fact it it’s his bad side that Toono properly likes best.
3. And there’s the scene at the beginning at chapter 17, where Yacchans like, ‘if Yuu wasn’t my opponent than I’d probably be doing better but...’ Doing better in what. Has Yacchan fallen for Toono, I don’t understand!
I know this is long as fuck, if u wanna reply specify which part so we can have a discussion as I can see in desperate.
2023-05-22 20:29 marked
volume 3 was release today in English. I follow a artisted that posted the lucky Sukebe during a stream. She said she will probably posted The other track if requested enough. So much fun. She drew a picture of Kashima and Toono. I want to see it happen so much.
She also owns the fruits comics and drama Cd as well. I going to see if she post the valentine one as well, that was so good.
2020-10-13 08:05 marked
This story is just so fun to read, I already came back to many times as I wait for the next chapter. As far as Toono character goes, (don’t know if everyone just hating him because of chapter 17 or not) I very much like him. Toono character is someone that’s doesn’t want to be gay. (Toono VA said this) Now because Yacchan as someone that became his first friend and someone that looked up as someone who an Angel. (and adorable) Heck Toono and a Tamura shared that in common when it came to Yacchan. When it came to finding someone to have sex with before the month ended, Yacchan came to mind as he didn’t mind having sex with him if it had to be with a guy as his affection, along with his friendship with Yacchan where he was willing to cancel his meeting with Kashima in order to stay Yacchan friend.

Now when it came to Kashima’s feeling for Toono, he was indeed unaware of it, especially with all the comments, and flirting and even the kiss confuse Toono. heck he doesn’t even know how he even feels towards Kashima as he told Yacchan he “barely” consider Kashima a friend yet they are always together. and after Kashima confess he doesn’t know how to deal with it, nor knows why Kashima likes him in the first place. He never dated anyone, and even though Kashima is a guy, he isn’t disgusted by his feelings for him either, (even though he feels that being in the club messes with his feelings) Toono simply doesn’t know how to deal it. but you can see that Kashima’s feelings is somewhat getting to him as he freaking out in chapter 14 being fully embarrassed to even talk to him, yet he says things that a lover would say (as he did in chapter 14 and 15) heck even in chapter 16 whenKashima was embarcing him, although he did freak out a little but he allows Kashima to hug him. And even the kiss that got him upset in chapter 16, instead of him telling Kashima telling him to stop, he just closes his eyes and basically let’s him. Do it. And chapter 17 with Yacchan and Toono moment, I felt like it need to happen as Yacchan need to calm down and talk to Kashima normally instead of lashing out at him. To me I think if Kashima and Toono are going get together it not be to the end of the series. And doesn’t usually the character usually gets rejected or something like that and in Manga and then near the end of the story it gets reacquainted again?

And you got understand who that is serious is also a comedy and tunnel kind of does bring the comedy from the club it’s self because of how crazy the club acts. But you can also see that throughout the series he starting to fit in with the club as as as he tried so hard to help shiAnd you got understand who that is serious is also a comedy and tunnel kind of does bring the comedy from the club it’s self because of how crazy the club acts. But you can also see that throughout the series he starting to fit in with the club as as as he tried so hard to shikatani in chapter 16 or has everybody forgot that. I feel like he’s more of the Mom in the club as he basically takes care of everyone in that club. This is just my opionion.
2020-10-13 08:01 marked
don't you just love how ichijou is always in kanames's side and until kaname became a human now, he really treasures their moments together
2020-03-15 06:46 marked
My god why did I read this? My heart is bleeding! So much Sadness pain misery hopelessness hurt anguish guilt shame...god cannot Why should people experience such fates
2020-02-09 00:06 marked

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