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Lauren silva September 22, 2017 3:17 pm

She keeps telling me to pick up my little sister. I say i know what to do when u are not able to do so at work or something. She still tells me. It's pissing me off. It's common sense i know what do to when my mom is not home. When i tell her "i know stop telling me" she says "um uhhhh it's cuz uhhhh you forgot dummmm" not like that tho I'm mimicking her but that's what she said. But i didn't i fell asleep on accident and i tell her that but does that work? Nope it doesn't.

    Fullmoontoni September 22, 2017 3:47 pm

    You fell asleep and forgot to pick up your little sterrrrr ahahahahaha this will be a great story for your grandchildren

    Fullmoontoni September 22, 2017 3:50 pm

    A mom gotta do what a mom gotta do

    rose September 22, 2017 4:18 pm

    It's annoying, but try to let it slide.
    She's not doing it on purpose to annoy you, just trying to make absolutely sure your little sister is taken care of. Its usually her responsibility it sounds like, so im sure she nags herself about it mentally as much as she nags you about doing it.

    Sai-chan September 22, 2017 5:13 pm

    It's what moms do.

    When I was still living with my parents my mom would wake me with her nags but I kinda miss it now.

    When she was expecting visitors, she would ask me to clean my room. As if the visitors are going to chill inside my room

    Lauren silva September 22, 2017 6:40 pm
    AhahahahahahaYou fell asleep and forgot to pick up your little sterrrrr ahahahahaha this will be a great story for your grandchildren Fullmoontoni

    I didn't forget

    Fullmoontoni September 22, 2017 6:45 pm
    I didn't forget Lauren silva

    Aah sorry, I misunderstood then. I thought you fell asleep and didn't pick up your sibling.

Lauren silva September 17, 2017 8:51 am

I'm trying to find a yaoi manga with a shy uke. The guy that the uke likes knows that he likes him. The crush confronted him in the locker room then they had sex and after that they started dating.

Lauren silva May 20, 2019 12:29 am

He says that my sisters have a big butt. They are 14 and 10 I think lol, it's fuckin gross!! He even slaps their butts!! One time he was putting his hand in my 10 year old sister's PJ shorts. Are dads suppose to do that?? Edit: I did tell my mom that his behavior is bad but she doesn't think it's bad. It's like I'm just being crazy. Today he commented on my 9 yr sis's body saying she has a big butt and boobs. It's super gross.

    IamMe August 31, 2017 5:24 am

    Nope nope nope nope.
    If this is a legitimate question, then I suggest you to discuss this with your mother or any other guardias about this.
    It might be harmless on the stepfather part but to prevent any unforeseen and unwanted situation, it better to have an adult opinion over this behavior. Discuss it with your surrounding adult.

    My personal opinion? Get your sisters away from this guy..

    Also, I suggest you look for better solution than asking for help on sites like this. Consult your trusted friends or adult that can help.

    yung_medusa August 31, 2017 5:31 am

    Nooo!! It's not normal at all you need to tell your mom or another family immediately. Until then keep watch for you sisters, don't let yourself or them be alone with him. And if you can, lock your bedroom doors at night bc there's something very not right about him. Stay safe, love!

    Ethereal Beauties August 31, 2017 5:34 am

    I'm sorry to say that he might be. This is happening with me and my oldest sister. Our step dad started out by calling us beautiful, slapping our asses and more. When that started I believe I was 10. Now that I'm 12, he sneaks into our room at around 12:00 to 3:00, doing what I would rather not explain. I want to do something about it but I don't know how, because it would destroy my mother's life. If your step dad starts doing any worse, such as sneaking into their rooms, I suggest that you put an end to it. Tell them to scream for help, call child services, anything.

    shayww August 31, 2017 5:35 am

    Fuck nah report him to another adult

    Anonymouse August 31, 2017 5:46 am

    Talk to a councillor at school. They will be able to ask the right questions so you understand what's going on a bit better, and will be able to talk to your mum or other family. Some mums will believe you and be horrified, some might not believe because it's so horrible as to be unbelievable. Does that make sense? Talk to a councillor first

    mochi August 31, 2017 6:00 am

    no, it's not normal, report him to your mother or another adult

    Mero August 31, 2017 6:03 am
    I'm sorry to say that he might be. This is happening with me and my oldest sister. Our step dad started out by calling us beautiful, slapping our asses and more. When that started I believe I was 10. Now that I... Ethereal Beauties

    I know your mom is important to you honey but I don't believe there are any mothers out there who want their kids to be experiencing such things. Silence will only bring worse things in the future both for you and your sister as well as for your mother. Think about how this could keep going years from now if you stay quiet and how your mom would feel when she finally finds out so far into your young lives. It's hard to muster courage sometimes and I can't even begin to image how hard it must be for you, but I encourage you to speak up. You have my full support and I wish for you to live happily knowing you have full control over your own body.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 31, 2017 6:15 am

    Your stepfather is pushing the boundaries, and his behaviour is just going to keep getting worse. You, your sister and your mother need protection. You need to start documenting everything now. Be sneaky and take pictures, if you can do it secretly. Keep your phone on camera setting nearby. Keep a written record of everything offensive he says or does, along with dates and times. Record his voice if he says creepy things. Post all of this in google-docs, or a password protected wordpress photo gallery online over which he has no access. Make sure you keep your browser from recording and storing the passwords so he can't sneak onto your devices and snoop. Don't keep a written record of them anywhere.

    Talk to your sister about it. She needs to know that you understand the complete implications of what he did and that you support her completely, except in deceiving herself. Some people deny that things are as bad as they really are.

    Save your money, keep your debit card safe, and pack an evacuation-style knapsack in case you need to leave the house quickly and stay at a friends for a couple of weeks. Hide it under your bed.

    Confide in trusted friends, relatives, teachers/counsellors, family physicians, nurses, everyone you can. Any external authority figure like a public health nurse can put you directly in touch with a social worker, who will advocate for you.

    When you're ready to start an intervention, phone the RCMP and ask them to put you in touch with the child abuse task force worker who will advise you on the best way to proceed.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 31, 2017 6:19 am
    I'm sorry to say that he might be. This is happening with me and my oldest sister. Our step dad started out by calling us beautiful, slapping our asses and more. When that started I believe I was 10. Now that I... Ethereal Beauties

    It looks like you need to take action, too. Don't think you're protecting anyone by letting your stepfather get away with this.

    Ethereal Beauties August 31, 2017 6:33 am
    I know your mom is important to you honey but I don't believe there are any mothers out there who want their kids to be experiencing such things. Silence will only bring worse things in the future both for you ... Mero

    Thank you for caring, it really means a lot to me. The only problem is that my mother has a problem with her bowels, so it makes her unable to work, and she is always in a lot of pain. (I think it's called Crohn's disease) Every week she takes a pill that forces her body to stop attacking her bowels. My step dad's work covers the pills, so if me or my sister told, she would not get the help she needs. There really expensive too. Also, in front of my mom, he acts all surperior, talking about justice, and how we should never lie, and how he has never lied in his life. So I'm not sure if she would believe us. I may not be able to muster up a lot of courage, but I am at least able to shove him away when I wake up and he's in my room.

    Anonymous August 31, 2017 6:44 am

    fathers don't suppose to be like this.

    Anonymous August 31, 2017 6:45 am

    fathers are not suppose to be like this.

    KyoZaNa✿ August 31, 2017 7:23 am

    Nooo! That's something need to beware seriously already.
    Tell your mom or adult who can help.. Tell sis to beware, not stay alone, stay away from him, don't let him touch.

    KyoZaNa✿ August 31, 2017 7:36 am
    I'm sorry to say that he might be. This is happening with me and my oldest sister. Our step dad started out by calling us beautiful, slapping our asses and more. When that started I believe I was 10. Now that I... Ethereal Beauties

    Tell your mom right now, honey. If you still keep quiet, it'll keep happening to no end. Many gals was assaulted in family since ~10 to almost 20 w/o anyone know.

    Ethereal Beauties August 31, 2017 8:34 am
    Tell your mom right now, honey. If you still keep quiet, it'll keep happening to no end. Many gals was assaulted in family since ~10 to almost 20 w/o anyone know. KyoZaNa✿

    I do thank you for worrying. Me and my sister talk about it all the time, and I told her the next time I catch him I will smack him or something. The only problem is that he usually does that when we're sleeping, so I usually wake up by accidentally while he's doing that. Me and my sister's were also thinking of moving to our real dad's. But with my comment above explaining, I can't really do anything big, such as tell my mother about what he's doing.

    Blue August 31, 2017 9:10 am
    I do thank you for worrying. Me and my sister talk about it all the time, and I told her the next time I catch him I will smack him or something. The only problem is that he usually does that when we're sleepin... Ethereal Beauties

    This isn't something you don't report because your mom needs medication. There are things in place to help with stuff like that. There are tons of resources to help people that can't afford their medications and I know because I'm one of them. I'm an adult and I'm going to tell you and the other girls on here that what these men are doing is not only wrong it's illegal. Not only do you need to tell you need to tell someone at school. My friends oldest daughter and son were molested by their biological father for several years before they spoke up and it was stopped immediately. He was investigated and the police made sure he couldn't molest them anymore. There are options and there is help but no one can help you if you don't tell them. Your mom WILL be okay. Please tell someone.

    Anonymous August 31, 2017 9:32 am

    No this is absolutely serious! You need to talk to someone that can help you and prevent your father from doing this. You need to stay away from your father as well cause it could be dangerous. Possibly try talking to a counsellor in school.

    KyoZaNa✿ August 31, 2017 9:47 am
    I do thank you for worrying. Me and my sister talk about it all the time, and I told her the next time I catch him I will smack him or something. The only problem is that he usually does that when we're sleepin... Ethereal Beauties

    I insist if you love your sis, mom & yourself, you have to tell your mom & dad.

    H August 31, 2017 1:13 pm
    Thank you for caring, it really means a lot to me. The only problem is that my mother has a problem with her bowels, so it makes her unable to work, and she is always in a lot of pain. (I think it's called Croh... Ethereal Beauties

    If that's the case i think you should lock your rooms at night and telle him if he do it again you will report him !!!!

    Anonymous August 31, 2017 2:40 pm

    If he is making your sisters and you feel uncomfortable, then quickly attend this matter to someone with authority (parents, relatives). Don't wait because you wanted to trust your step father and don't provoke him that can lead to aggressive behaviour.

    Even if your step father has dominant power for your financial needs whatsoever, remember that he is the suspect of harassment and abuse. Focus on the present. Make sure to let your most trusted person is aware of your situation as frequently. Collect any evidence as possible, for future legal reference.

    Seek professional advise if possible (child help service, police) especially when the matters get dragged.

    (You should also explain the situation to your sisters so they are aware of the harassment. However, don't shock them but instead teach them to handle this situation calmly.

    Don't make it too obvious that you are planning something against your step father as this might led him to be aggressive.)

    Anonymous August 31, 2017 2:58 pm
    Thank you for caring, it really means a lot to me. The only problem is that my mother has a problem with her bowels, so it makes her unable to work, and she is always in a lot of pain. (I think it's called Croh... Ethereal Beauties

    I have no authority with little knowledge from your explanation but you should try to attend this matter to her despite doubting her to believe you or (considering her current situation) if it will burden her. Things will get worse if your step father continues to dominate this crime and act innocent. Make use of the adults with authority that you can trust and help you.

    In the mean time, I suggest you to secretly collect evidences as possible for future legal reference.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 31, 2017 3:45 pm
    Thank you for caring, it really means a lot to me. The only problem is that my mother has a problem with her bowels, so it makes her unable to work, and she is always in a lot of pain. (I think it's called Croh... Ethereal Beauties

    From what I understand, Canada has one of the best systems in the world for dealing with this. Granted, the service delivery depends on where you are located, but if you live in a reasonably populated area, you can access whatever you need. This includes medication for your mom, temporary shelter transitioning to a safe house or apartment, hospital treatment and therapy for chronic conditions, movement to another community. Trust that your family will experience a better future without your stepfather in it.

    As for your stepfather, who cares what the old bullshit-artist says! Don`t let him overwhelm you with his nonsense. He is counting on your confusion and fear. His bluster is part of the abuse, especially if he is using it to cow your mother and sister and make you unsure of your thoughts and feelings. Don`t listen to his justification stories about how he was just brushing some lint off your chest or bottom, or how he was just trying to comfort you when he thought you were upset. He`s just manipulating everyone.

    Like I said with the OP, start recording the abuse in an online, password-protected journal. Begin in the present, and fill in details from the past as you remember them. Don`t worry if you can`t recall everything. Stick to when (date, time), where (home:bedroom, away from home: in the car parked at Walmart, etc.), what happened strictly in terms of what was said or done (include threats, belittlement, berating, tactics for isolating your mother or your sisters from others, learn about the differences between covert and overt threats), who it happened to (you, your sister or your mom), who was there. Don`t speculate about stuff you can`t know, like what is going on in anybody else`s head or how they feel, but do keep track of his justifications as indicators of his manipulation tactics. Be clear, simple and straightforward. This will be considered evidence if the police get involved.

    If you can secretly photograph, video record or voice record any of the abuse, great. But don`t put yourself in danger trying. Most of these sorts of recordings are sheer luck, but you can help set up the possibility by making sure your cellphone is set to that sort of function and placed near your pillow at night.

    Keep your cellphone and debit card on you at all times; in a pocket on a lanyard around your neck tucked under your clothes, if you must. Make sure you always have enough money for a cab, a motel room and a couple of meals at a diner in your account. Make sure the cellphone has contact numbers for your friends and relatives (of course), your doctor, the school health line, the domestic or teen crisis intervention hotline,

    Start confiding in friends, your family doctor or school nurse, your guidance counsellor at school, teachers with whom you have rapport. Don't let your situation isolate you. Understand that not everyone will know how to react, especially your friends and relatives, and this is a big deal with an emotional toll, but if they know you and your family are in trouble and the nature of the trouble, at least they can keep an eye out for you and if they come across any information or services that can help, they can let you know. If you can, let them know how they can help you. So, for example, ask if it's okay if you can arrange an emergency getaway to stay in their spare room, if necessary. It may never happen that you need it, but it's good to have a plan in place just in case you do.

    Understand that authority figures (teachers, nurses, counsellors, crisis line workers, etc.) will be legally obligated to report your family to social services and the police who will have intervention response teams available to help you, to extract the abuser or your family if required, to compel him to stay away from you. There are also avenues to provide legal support, to compel him to provide financial support and so on. Don't be afraid of it. Just understand that they are there to help, and they will.

    Keep an evacuation suitcase or knapsack packed and ready. If you have room in a locker at school, keep it there. Include easily washed and hang-to-dry clothes for warm or cold weather, sleeping gear, a duplicate set of toiletries, and an emergency stash of cash so that you can access a cab or uber at any time or place.

    Start the process before he rapes you.

    Mero August 31, 2017 5:59 pm
    Thank you for caring, it really means a lot to me. The only problem is that my mother has a problem with her bowels, so it makes her unable to work, and she is always in a lot of pain. (I think it's called Croh... Ethereal Beauties

    Oh honey I'm so sorry ╥﹏╥ It must be so hard to deal with everything while also thinking about your mom's condition. Please look for an adult close to you with whom you can talk to about things and ask what to do regarding your mom's condition. There must be other ways to get those pills she needs. Consider speaking with your father or another family member. If not, like someone else said before, consider speaking to an adult from school who you trust would give you good advice and help you. Also, please know that you don't deserve what you're going through. You and your sister and your mother all deserve happiness. Staying quiet for your mother won't help things in the long run. You have to make decisions with the future in mind. Reading your messages makes me feel how much you care about your mother and it makes me think about how much she loves you for you to care for her that much. Therefore, don't suffer for the sake of your mother because, from how you talk about her, that's not something she would want. Everything might seem great while the truth is buried, but the truth will always come out and the longer it takes the more pain it will bring. Also, you mentioned the alternative to move away with you dad and although that fixes things in some aspects it also doesn't really fix them. Should you not speak up, that other man will stay married to you mother and he will always have a connection to you and your sister. When you visit you mother, he will be there, waiting for you. Having him still be connected to you two while not living with him anymore could lead him to do even more things to you guys since he won't get to see you so often anymore. As long as you don't say anything to an adult, the situation won't really improve. Furthermore, speaking directly with him and threatening him to say the truth won't help your case. If anything, it could rile him up more and make him do even more things to you two. That's why, please please please speak up. Put an end to the madness because it will only get worse.

    Ethereal Beauties August 31, 2017 8:26 pm
    If that's the case i think you should lock your rooms at night and telle him if he do it again you will report him !!!! @H

    Last time he did, I looked him dead in the eyes and asked him what he was doing. He backed off right away, saying that he was "saying goodnight". Next time he does, I will do something about it. Not tell on him, but force him to back off.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 31, 2017 8:32 pm
    I do thank you for worrying. Me and my sister talk about it all the time, and I told her the next time I catch him I will smack him or something. The only problem is that he usually does that when we're sleepin... Ethereal Beauties

    I see you`re from Canada, which has one of the best safety networks in the world for dealing with domestic abuse and pedophilia. Of course, it depends on which province you live in and where you are situated (urban or rural), but your mother would absolutely have access to her medication, first provided by your province`s support services, and then, most likely paid for by court-mandated garnishee of your stepfather`s insurance coverage and salary, while he will be kept away from you by court order.

    I Thot You Was a Toad August 31, 2017 8:35 pm
    Last time he did, I looked him dead in the eyes and asked him what he was doing. He backed off right away, saying that he was "saying goodnight". Next time he does, I will do something about it. Not tell on him... Ethereal Beauties

    Or it might cause him to grow bolder, more aggressive and sneakier.

    Ethereal Beauties August 31, 2017 8:42 pm
    This isn't something you don't report because your mom needs medication. There are things in place to help with stuff like that. There are tons of resources to help people that can't afford their medications an... Blue

    My mother had told me that the government is unable to pay for it, so it would force my grandparents to pay instead, and I don't think my mom would qualify for any resources. My mother and step dad are arguing a lot, so once they break up, I will tell her. I have told one of my friends, so I talk to her regularly. My mom is really sick physically, but her mental state is also decreasing, due to the fact that she has went through many breakups, and how me and my sister's aren't loving as before. She gets angry very easily,and but afterwards she doesn't remember snapping (But she's really sweet, she just doesn't know how to cope with the sadness she going through). My step dad also is really hard on her, and whenever she tries to talk to him, he brushes her off or just doesn't care. I believe they will break up soon, so I will wait till they break up to tell her. It will be soon, and if not, I will move to my real Father's.

    Lauren silva August 31, 2017 9:33 pm

    Thanks for the all the feedback

    Ethereal Beauties August 31, 2017 9:52 pm
    This isn't something you don't report because your mom needs medication. There are things in place to help with stuff like that. There are tons of resources to help people that can't afford their medications an... Blue

    I will take your words to heart. I will do something soon, so it's fine! I just hope my mother isn't hurt afterwards

    Anonymous September 1, 2017 4:37 am
    I will take your words to heart. I will do something soon, so it's fine! I just hope my mother isn't hurt afterwards Ethereal Beauties

    Good to hear. From all the evasions and excuses, I was starting to wonder if your mom had pimped you out for free meds. Not that I would judge you for doing what you felt you had to do, but it was starting to sound that way. She's better off getting that medication from anyone else. And you! You'd be better off starting up a Kickstarter Fund page offering housekeeping or babysitting in exchange for money for her meds. Leave that scumbag behind and never look back.

Lauren silva May 14, 2017 10:28 am

Yoai mangas with a character that treats a boy shit because he is i insecure about his sexuality or that he likes a boy in that way

Lauren silva April 18, 2017 10:01 am

The things that I remember about the manga is that the uke gets sluty while drunk. One time while he was drunk he seduced his friend that he had always had feeling for

    Omura April 18, 2017 10:12 am

    Following. Sorry not answer.

    Anonymous April 18, 2017 10:57 am

    Sounds like any yaoi ever tbh

Lauren silva April 18, 2017 9:15 am

where the characters realized that the are gay.

Lauren silva April 7, 2017 1:50 am

I forgot the name of this yaoi manga I read so can someone help me? The parts I remember is that When the 2nd (Main character) guy is drunk he acts seductively. The last time that happened he seduced his ( main character)friend/crush. He stopped talking to him cuz he was ashamed and embarrassed of what he did, his friend didn't like that because He started developing feelings for him then he seen him talking to a different guy. He went to confront him.... That's all I remember

    Omura April 7, 2017 1:52 am


    Lauren silva April 7, 2017 2:07 am
    following Omura

    Not helping

    Omura April 7, 2017 2:09 am

    I mean I'm interested in the story too so I'm following this post. Sorry I can't help you. >.<

    Lauren silva April 7, 2017 2:11 am
    I mean I'm interested in the story too so I'm following this post. Sorry I can't help you. >.< Omura

    It's okay, I hate when I forget the names of the damn mangas ughhh..

    DarkPrincess April 7, 2017 4:24 am

    following too

    Lauren silva April 19, 2017 5:01 am
    following Omura

    Ore no Shiranai Murakami-kun I found it

    Lauren silva April 19, 2017 5:02 am
    following too DarkPrincess

    It's called Ore no Shiranai Murakami-kun

    DarkPrincess April 19, 2017 3:05 pm
    It's called Ore no Shiranai Murakami-kun Lauren silva

    arigatou ^_^

Lauren silva April 2, 2017 3:26 am

I forgot the name of this yaoi manga that I like. I remember some of the manga though his friend/crush lends him his p.e shorts . He started to become hard in the locker room and in the hallway while walking to class. Then he bumps into him friend/crush.

Lauren silva January 28, 2017 8:49 am

am trying to remember a yoai manga that I forgot the name to. The parts that I remember was when a guy was borrowing his friends p.e shorts. Then he was getting all wet thinking about his friend while he was walking to class. Then he crossed paths with his friend while he's all wet

    Anonyme January 28, 2017 1:10 pm

    I really want to know too(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

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