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Sorayk created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

This is going to be awful, isn't it? I can't believe this fat-ass is going to bring despair on us.

For a second, just one second, I thought they were going to switch roles. ( ̄∇ ̄")

Sorayk created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

It's true Yoojin does as he pleases and doesn't listen his brother. I feel like seeing Shirou from Fate. Always putting his body on the line, always trying to put the others before himself. It's a really dangerous state of mind when you think about it.

Sorayk created a topic of PASSION

Little Tae grabbing the beer.

- Sorry about that "Sunabara".
- Don't sweat it "Fujishiro-kun".

Those two are so silly.

Sorayk created a topic of Ginmokusei: The Tailor Shop

I feel like I'll never be the same after these sock garters.

Sorayk created a topic of Merry Marbling

Vacation arc just to make his lover jealous, here we go. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Sorayk created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Please, tell me I'm not the only one thinking the whole room is monitored with hidden cameras, and the other guy is probably watching.

Sorayk created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

It's always funny when Riette is involved.

I love how they both did the same thing as the cover. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Keito is so earnest, it's damn good to read.

Sorayk created a topic of Hallelujah Baby

I'm just gonna pretend I understood everything. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Sorayk created a topic of Lucky Number 13

This one was really funny. All those accidents, the mother wishing Tsubamaki to "suffer in his place" instead of the traditional "make him happy", the MC very self aware.

Sorayk created a topic of PASSION

Tae waking up in Ilay's clothes (and they're too big for him). (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

This story is so pure, so heartwarming to read. Akari-chan is just the best wing girl possible.

Sorayk created a topic of PASSION

This chapter really made me realize Tae's uncle doesn't give a fuck about him.

Kinda crazy tbh. Ultimately, only Ilay cares about him and his well-being.

Bro handled that situation like a champ, but rushing to Taeman's wasn't a good idea! What if those fucks followed you there?! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Sorayk created a topic of Chuchun Ga Chun

Insane how Chun looks like an older Mihashi from Oofuri. Even the birds expressions are like him.

This is incredible. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭