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But like how come you don't have a rotation schedule and temporary filler workers that cover for other workers in case of illnesses/accidents or any reason that might prevent them to go to work
Let's say both hadn't show up that day would the entire floor not be cleaned because there were no staff?
And if the staff passes out, don't you think that would ruin the hotel's view to the public, they look like a big hotel/cafe/restaurant chain company imagine if news of them starving and overworking their employees spread their stocks would go down faster than snow on an avalanche.
His decisions where great in the long run

Naty Hunter created a topic of My duke is Not Dead

Saw her princess carrying the ML in the cover and clicked faster than the speed of light

Naty Hunter created a topic of Drick's Heat

I didn't read it as dick but then I read the comments and can't unsee it now

Naty Hunter created a topic of Beta Count Has Changed

Usually the plot is the main story and the sides are porn
Here the porn was on the main and the sides got all the plot

Naty Hunter created a topic of Entwined Passion

His personality sucks tho

Naty Hunter created a topic of Heal, Heal, Heal!

I forgot they were a gamers to lovers couple, if hanbin wasn't playing on the last bit there I wouldn't have remembered

Does anyone know who the guys in the bathtub are?(in the scan group banner)'s a hentai universe it's weird and kind of funny if you stop to think how impractical and unhygienic those would be
But the art work is pretty nice mr hosoya looks really hot
Also how did the chips for prosthetics became a sex thing, like????

Anyone knows where the little demon that the scan group uses is from

Naty Hunter created a topic of Senza Replica

So after this he's gonna change? I bet it's either amnesia or something like he woke up in the past

It's not just the ml everyone here is barely able to see anything under the hair

Naty Hunter asked a question

It's a story with a Fantasy/European setting about a boy that has powers one of these powers is mind reading and understanding that way he can communicate to animals and monsters too
After some chapters he joins this association that distributes various kinds of jobs he lies about some of his abilities tho
Following him there's this yeti creature he looks like a white small gorilla and later a monster cactus that he can communicate with too and a giant black tiger that sometimes takes the shape of a black cat
I don't remember the other powers he has but I'm pretty sure he is OP but usually the mind power is enough to solve everything

Someone please feed this boy he looks so thin he might break what's the point of dating rich boy if he is not feeding you

Naty Hunter created a topic of Gig of the Day

I think he just got a rice grain sized jealousy pang in the ice cube he calls heart

Lose guess is that Elisa? Elise? The brain in the jar is the woman that mad scientist was searching for

Rip Oracle dude, I liked him

Naty Hunter created a topic of Turning

This is not a drill
Go read the novel
It's really ridiculously good I started it last week I'm on chapter 210 now and it only gets better
The details guys so many details that don't fit on the manhwa are being skipped

Naty Hunter created a topic of Turning

Patience guys

they only kissed on chapter 200 of the novel it's a true slow burn those flash backs(not the nightmare) we saw before aren't even in the novel they were probably to keep the manhwa readers interested

I'm actually shocked from the spoilers below

Naty Hunter created a topic of In the Doghouse

Girl you don't bad mouth the possible next empress, that's how your head gets detached from the body