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WrightSensei's experience ( All 0 )

WrightSensei's answer ( All 4 )

about question
I totally be into myself (⊙…⊙ )   reply
23 07,2021
I was 12 years old when my friend introduced me to the concept of yaoi via and my whole entire life changed as a result of it. I lived in a very religious household so I learned a lot regarding sex education and the acceptance of others from yaoi lol   4 reply
26 06,2020
Absolutely not. I would have never made it out that house alive XD   1 reply
26 06,2020
about penpals
WrightSensei 07 01,2018
Hope I'm not too late. My line ID: wrightsensei   reply
07 01,2018

WrightSensei's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did question

nah idk what everyone else is saying but these were wild times frr....

34 minutes
did got an online lover

it was horrible

1 days
did got an online lover

He was 28 and I was 13I got gr00medlearned my lesson tho

1 days