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thisislele created a topic of Lucky Paradise

why are you freaks so obsessed with characters switching it’s so fucking weird and fetishy

thisislele created a topic of Macguffin

i love them so much i’m going to be sick

thisislele created a topic of Eternal Covenant

i will always be ride or die for ian

thisislele created a topic of Form of Broken Love

sorry but this isn’t really cheating to me and yall are gross as fuck cursing this victim for being a victim. if yall don’t understand what’s happening just say that.

thisislele created a topic of Sketch

i love them so much

thisislele created a topic of Jueun

this is just incest fetish porn at this point let’s be honest

thisislele created a topic of Profundis

literally what the fuck? this writing is absolutely awful. i understand the temporary affection during sex bc of the state his mind was in but this is when post nut clarity kicks in and he books it out of there. this is out of absolutely nowhere and makes no sense.

thisislele created a topic of Kill My Love

this is so infuriatingly stupid

thisislele created a topic of Max Mojave's Case

we need the domestic chapters now

thisislele created a topic of Form of Broken Love

idk about yall but slut shaming and cursing him for “cheating” when he’s very clearly fucked in the head from years of manipulation just does not sit right with me

thisislele created a topic of Jueun

oh he’s actually just a pedo freak i truly hope he dies very painfully

thisislele created a topic of ARTS MANZ

he’s so fucking nasty i hope he gets hit by a car

thisislele created a topic of Brother, am I cute??

end of the what???? take that back rn

thisislele created a topic of Killer Peter

sorry, the barcode is sooo ugly like agent 47 was drunk when he got his tattoo. agent 47 but he’s a soundcloud rapper.

thisislele created a topic of Kill My Love

if the popois die i will kill myself

thisislele created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

still hoping ml gets put in a mental institution

he said don’t make me come up there!!

thisislele created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear